Friday, May 2, 2014

Healthcare Solutions By Republicans

There is general fatigue among United States citizens associated with hearing leftist (democrat) media personalities (journalism is supposed to be objective, and unfortunately there is no longer such a thing as objective journalists) claim "Republicans have no solutions for healthcare" policy.  This is false.  Solutions have been discussed by republican congressmen and policy pundits for decades.  One brief summary as stated by Jeffrey Anderson of National Review in 2014:

(1) Reduce runaway malpractice lawsuits.
(2) Allow citizens to buy insurance across state lines.
(3) Allow private insurers to offer lower premiums to consumers with healthy lifestyles.
(4) Provide a tax break incentive to the self-insured (those of us who have our own policies and not through an employer) and to the uninsured (those who voluntarily do not wish to spend money on a monthly premium for insurance coverage).
(5) Increase federal support for state-run high-risk pools to help those with pre-existing conditions.