Thursday, May 30, 2013

Quote of the day: Redevelopment Authorities (city planning)

"...RDAs [redevelopment authorities] operate in the most expensive way possible.  It is a fact that government, as an entity, is the least efficient way to do anything.  Witness the high-speed rail conflagration in California and the recent collapse of cities [bankruptcies] throughout the US.  For an RDA to use tax money to provide for development that should and could be privately accomplished with efficient and effective leadership simply inhibits growth.  Californians are now paying more than 65% of their income in [combined] taxes.  How can someone earning less than 7 figures survive on a disposable income that is 35% of gross?  The affordable housing crisis is a result.  Simply put, there is no private money left to invest.  It all goes into taxes, which are used to pay for unnecessary government programs, wages, and benefits.  The situation will get worse as the tax base declines when people decide they can no longer manage to live in California."                  - Joseph E. Herbert

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Misuse of Qu'ran quote by islam apologists

Use of Qu'ran (5:32) verse 32 of Surah 5 very well explained....

5:33 is the verse that needs to be repeated to those who use 5:32 to defend islamic teaching.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Quote of the Day (May 6, 2013)

From National Review's John D. Davidson for a book review:

"...there's no dismissing the Lone Star State, no matter what one thinks of it.  Five years on from the Great Recession, Texas's low-tax, pro-business [republican] policies have largely shielded its residents and businesses form the economic downturn suffered by the rest of the country.  Between 2009 and 2011, whe unemployment was hovering between 9 and 10 percent nationwide, Texas alone created 40 percent of America's new jobs.  Last year, it accounted for nearly 9 percent of the country's economy.  Millions of people have moved there over the past decade, drawn by the promise of work.

The plain facts of the Texas economy confound liberals [democrats], who have a hard time believing in this so-called Texas Miracle, despite mounting evidence that it is real and durable, taht something fundamental about Texas's approach to economic growth is distinguishing it from, say [democrat controlled] California."