Sunday, September 1, 2013

Great Quotes on Economic Policy

"The politicians who negotiate wage deals with public-sector unions are often funded by the same unions [i.e. campaign contributions and ads].  This is one reason why America's municipal finances are a mess."   
- The Economist magazine, Nov. 24, 2012

"The government should not provide any services that are already advertised in the Yellow Pages."    -Jeb Bush

"Some argue that spending cuts are "austerity" and that the sequester has hurt the economy.  Wrong.  The economy and jobs have picked up steam as the government has shrunk.  Through it's still a flimsy recovery, economic growth and government spending have been shown to move in opposite directions in recent years, refuting the Keynesian gospel of the Left.  This has been the pattern for the last 50 years at least.  Milton Friedman had it exactly right: Less government spending means more private-sector growth; there is no magical "multiplier effect" of government spending."

- Stephen Moore for National Review, discussing cause and effect of sequester from 2012 to early 2015.

"I have no problem with people making money, even lots and lots of it.  That is what a free country is all about.  Freedom is the opportunity to work hard and change your economic circumstances by providing great benefits to others.  That is how true capitalists become wealthy.  They provide society with billions in products and get billions of dollars in return.  Everybody wins.  That is not how socialism works.  In a socialist system, the ruling class extracts everything everyone else produces and offers [very little] in return.  It is what i call trickle-up poverty."

(i.e. leftist policy makes everyone equally poor unless you are a member of the elite or oligarchy).

- Michael Savage (radio talk show host and author of Government Zero, 2015)

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