Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, "is also the center of Palestinian culture and the headquarters of the Governorate of the Palestinian Authority. The Bush administration believed and hoped that the PA chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, cared enough about his people to make a decent peace with Israel, leading to a new, independent state of Palestine. Abbas has shattered those hopes. Worse, he and his associates are ensuring that the next generation of Palestinians will be incapable of making peace. They will be paralyzed by the hate and fear that they have been taught in their schoolrooms and by the national television controlled by the PA."
"The extent of this corruption of children's minds was vividly exposed last week by the investigative journalist Gerald Posner, who produced a web documentary (hosted by thedailybeast.com) based on videos culled from TV by Palestinian Media Watch. It is deeply shocking to observe children being programmed for terrorism through the exhaltation of suicide [homocide] bombers as heroes. "Martyrdom is bliss", a child hostess says, referring to a 14-yr old suicide killer. The clips show incessant indoctrination that Islam wants the death of adults and children for Allah and will reward those who achieve Shahada [...]."
"Children being taught murder by rote is child abuse, [...] more damaging than physical injury."
"This endlessly fraudulent education has had devastating effects on the prospect for peace. The world may have been appalled this year when students studying in a Jerusalem library were shot to death by a Palestinian terrorist, but the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research reports that 84% of Palestinians approved."
"Incoming Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is well aware of the PA's insidious lies. Last year she called for them to stop: "These children deserve an education that instills a respect for life and peace instead of glorifying death and violence. It is disturbing to me as a mother [...] because it basically profoundly poisons the minds of these children." Now she is in a position to do more. She can tell Abbas that the U.S. government will no longer give millions of dollars to a PA that actively pollutes the minds of the innocents. And the Europeans should follow suit."
On a side note, check out Newt Gingrich's speech at the National Press Club in 2007 concerning terrorism by violent islamic fundamentalists:
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