1. Munich Olympic Massacre, September
5, 1972:
Eight Palestinian "Black
September" terrorists seized 11 Israeli
athletes in the Olympic Village in Munich, West Germany. In a rescue attempt by
West German authorities nine of the hostages and five terrorists were killed. A
very good movie was made about the terrorist attack and the subsequent Israeli
response (“Munich”, directed by Steven Spielberg).
3. Entebbe Hostage Crisis, June 27, 1976: Members of the
Baader-Meinhof Group and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
(PFLP) seized an Air France airliner and its 258 passengers. They forced the
plane to land in Uganda ,
where on July 3 Israeli commandos successfully rescued the passengers.
4. Iran Hostage Crisis, November 4, 1979: After President
Carter agreed to admit the Shah of Iran into the U.S., Iranian radicals seized
the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took 66 American diplomats hostage. Thirteen
hostages were soon released, but the remaining 53 were held until their release
on January 20, 1981
when Ronald Reagan took office (the Iranians understood the consequences with a
republican in office).
5. Grand Mosque Seizure, November 20, 1979: 200 Islamic
terrorists seized the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, taking hundreds of
pilgrims hostage. Saudi and French security forces retook the shrine after an
intense battle in which some 250 people were killed and 600 wounded.
6. Assassination of Egyptian President, October 6, 1981: Soldiers who were secretly members of the Takfir Wal-Hajira sect attacked and killed Egyptian President Anwar Sadat during a troop review.
7. Assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister, September 14, 1982: Premier Bashir Gemayel was assassinated by a car bomb parked outside his party's Beirut headquarters.
8. Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut, April 18, 1983: Sixty-three people, including the CIA's Middle East director, were killed, and 120 were injured in a 400-pound suicide truck-bomb attack on the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
9. Bombing of Marine Barracks, Beirut, October 23, 1983: Simultaneous suicide truck-bomb attacks were made on American and French compounds in Beirut, Lebanon. A 12,000-pound bomb destroyed theU.S.
compound, killing 242 Americans, and 58 French troops when a 400-pound device
destroyed a French base. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility (Hezbollah).
10. Kidnapping of Embassy Official, March 16, 1984: The Islamic Jihad (Hezbollah) kidnapped and later murdered Political Officer William Buckley in Beirut, Lebanon. OtherU.S. citizens
not connected to the U.S. Government were seized over the following 2-year
12. TWA
Hijacking, June 14, 1985: A Trans-World Airlines flight was hijacked
en route to Rome from Athens by two Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists and forced to
fly to Beirut. The eight crew members and 145 passengers were held for 17 days,
during which one American hostage, a U.S. Navy sailor, was murdered. After
being flown twice to Algiers ,
the aircraft was returned to Beirut
after Israel
released 435 Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners.
13. Air India Bombing, June 23, 1985: A bomb destroyed an Air India Boeing 747 over the Atlantic, killing all 329 people aboard. Both Sikh and Kashmiri terrorists were blamed for the attack. Two cargo handlers were killed atTokyo
airport, Japan ,
when another Sikh bomb exploded in an Air Canada aircraft enroute to India .
19. Naples USO Attack, April 14, 1988: The Organization of
Jihad Brigades exploded a car bomb outside a USO Club in Naples, Italy, killing
one U.S. sailor.
25. Bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Argentina, March 17, 1992: Hezbollah claimed responsibility for a blast that leveled the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, causing the deaths of 29 and wounding 242.
26. World
Trade Center Bombing, February 26, 1993: The World Trade Center in New York City was
badly damaged when a car bomb planted by Islamic terrorists explodes in an
underground garage. The bomb left six people dead and 1,000 injured. The men
carrying out the attack were followers of Umar Abd al-Rahman, an Egyptian
cleric who preached in the New York
City area.
37. Dizengoff Center Bombing, March 4, 1996: Hamas and the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) both claimed responsibility for a bombing outside of Tel Aviv's largest shopping mall that killed 20 persons and injured 75 others, including two U.S. citizens.
38. West Bank Attack, May 13, 1996: Arab gunmen opened fire on a bus and a group of Yeshiva students near the Bet El settlement, killing a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen and wounding three Israelis. No one claimed responsibility for the attack, but Hamas was suspected.
39. Zekharya Attack, June 9, 1996: Unidentified gunmen opened fire on a car near Zekharya, killing a dual U.S./Israeli citizen and an Israeli. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) is suspected.
40. Khobar Towers Bombing, June 25, 1996: A fuel truck carrying a bomb exploded outside the U.S. military's Khobar Towers housing facility in Dhahran, killing 19 U.S. military personnel and wounding 515 persons, including 240 U.S. personnel. Several groups claimed responsibility for the attack but they were ultimately attributed to Hezbollah.
41. Bombing of Archbishop of Oran, August 1, 1996: A bomb exploded at the home of the French Archbishop of Oran, killing him and his chauffeur. The attack occurred after the Archbishop's meeting with the French Foreign Minister. The Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA) is suspected.
42. Paris Subway Explosion, December 3, 1996: A bomb exploded aboard a Paris subway train as it arrived at the Port Royal station, killing two French nationals, a Moroccan, and a Canadian, and injuring 86 persons. Among those injured were oneU.S.
citizen and a Canadian. No one claimed responsibility for the attack, but
Algerian extremists were suspected.
43. Empire State Building Sniper Attack, February 23, 1997: A Palestinian gunman opened fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State Building in New York City, killing a Danish national and wounding visitors from the United States, Argentina, Switzerland, and France before turning the gun on himself. A handwritten note carried by the gunman claimed this was a punishment attack against the "enemies ofPalestine ."
45. Murder of U.S. Businessmen in Pakistan, November 12, 1997: Two unidentified gunmen shot to death four U.S. auditors from Union Texas Petroleum Corporation and their Pakistani driver after they drove away from the Sheraton Hotel in Karachi. The Islami Inqilabi Council, or Islamic Revolutionary Council, claimed responsibility in a call to the U.S. Consulate inKarachi . In a letter to Pakistani newspapers,
the Aimal Khufia Action Committee also claimed responsibility.
Tourist Killings in Egypt, November 17, 1997: Al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya (IG) gunmen
shot and killed 58 tourists and four Egyptians and wounded 26 others at the
Hatshepsut Temple in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor. Thirty-four Swiss,
eight Japanese, five Germans, four Britons, one French, one Colombian, a dual
Bulgarian/British citizen, and four unidentified persons were among the dead.
Twelve Swiss, two Japanese, two Germans, one French, and nine Egyptians were
among the wounded.
47. U.S. Embassy Bombings in East Africa, August 7, 1998: A bomb exploded at the rear entrance of the U.S. embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, killing 12 U.S. citizens, 32 Foreign Service Nationals (FSNs), and 247 Kenyan citizens. About 5,000 Kenyans, sixU.S.
citizens, and 13 FSNs were injured. The U.S. embassy building sustained
extensive structural damage. Almost simultaneously, a bomb detonated outside
the U.S.
embassy in Dar es Salaam , Tanzania , killing seven FSNs and
three Tanzanian citizens, and injuring one U.S. citizen and 76 Tanzanians. The
explosion caused major structural damage to the U.S. embassy facility. The U.S.
Government held Usama Bin Ladin responsible.
50. Kidnappings
in Kyrgyzstan ,
August 12, 2000 : In the Kara-Su Valley , the Islamic Movement of
Uzbekistan took four U.S.
citizens hostage. The Americans escaped on August 12.
51. Church Bombing in Tajikistan, October 1, 2000: Unidentified militants detonated two bombs in a Christian church in Dushanbe, killing seven persons and injuring 70 others. The church was founded by a Korean-bornU.S. citizen, and most of those
killed and wounded were Korean. No one claimed responsibility.
52. Attack on U.S.S. Cole, October 12, 2000: In Aden, Yemen, a small dingy carrying explosives rammed the destroyer U.S.S. Cole, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39 others. Supporters of Usama Bin Ladin were suspected.
53. Manila Bombing, December 30, 2000: A bomb exploded in a plaza across the street from the U.S. embassy in Manila, injuring nine persons. The Moro Islamic Liberation Front was likely responsible.
54. January 3, 2001: In Zurich, Switzerland, a bomb exploded outside the glass entrance doors to the office of El Al Airlines, causing damage to the doors, according to press reports. The Revolutionary Perspective claimed responsibility in a message faxed to the Associated Press.
55. January 8, 2001: In Annaba, Algeria, according to press reports, armed militants killed six Russian citizens. The Armed Islamic Group is probably responsible.
56. Srinagar Airport Attack, January 17, 2001: In India, six members of the Lashkar-e-Tayyba militant group were killed when they attempted to seize a local airport.
57. BBC Studios Bombing, March 4, 2001: A car bomb exploded at midnight outside of the British Broadcasting Corporation's main production studios in London.
58. Bus Stop Bombing, April 22, 2001: A member of Hamas detonated a bomb he was carrying near a bus stop in Kfar Siva, Israel, killing one person and injuring 60.
59. Tel-Aviv Nightclub Bombing, June 1, 2001: Hamas claimed responsibility for the bombing of a popular Israeli nightclub that caused over 140 casualties.
60. Hamas
Restaurant Bombing, August 9, 2001: A Hamas-planted bomb detonated in a
Jeruselum pizza restaurant, killing 15 people and wounding more than 90.
61. Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Homeland, September 11,
Two hijacked airliners crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center.
Soon thereafter, the Pentagon was struck by a third hijacked plane. A fourth
hijacked plane, suspected to be bound for a high-profile target in Washington DC , crashed into
a field in southern Pennsylvania . 2,996 U.S.
citizens and other nationals were killed as a result of these acts. President
Bush and Cabinet officials indicated that Usama Bin Laden and his organization
Al-Qaeda were the prime suspect and that they considered the United States
in a state of war with international terrorism. In the aftermath
of the attacks, the United
States formed the Global Coalition Against
Terrorism, the US Dept. of Homeland Security, and aggressive anti-terrorism
strategies. The United States would subsequently intervene in Afghanistan and Iraq with military and "nation building" engagements.
62. October 6, 2002 off the coast of Yemen: A French oil tanker is sunk and one crewman dies after a small boat laden with explosives rams the broadside of the ship, breaching both walls of the double hull and sinking the ship.
63. October 13, 2002, Bali, Indonesia: 183 Australians, Indonesians, and Europeans are killed when two bombs are detonated in a club district. The effective bomb was an ammonium nitrate mix similar to the ones used inOklahoma City and at the World Trade
Center in NYC in
1993. Islamic radicals are to blame.
64. October 23, 2002: Approx. 40 violent Islamic radicals (“Chechen rebels”) storm aMoscow theater and hold 700 people hostage,
including 3 Americans and other foreigners but mostly russians. Russian Federal Police storm the
theatre….most of the female and male terrorists are killed by gas, 100+
hostages also killed during assault.
65. October 1 to
23, 2002: U.S. home grown John
Muhammad who converted to Islam in 1985 kills 10 (12?) and injures 3 others
during a sniping spree in the Washington DC region…..He was twice divorced,
both wives taking a custody of his kids, one wife issuing a restraining order,
he was known as having a temper, and served in the military and national guard
for 15 years but never got passed a rank of Sergeant and got demoted to
specialist….Disciplined in the Guard for several offenses…His second wife moved
to Maryland with their 3 kids…attracting Muhammad to the DC area for his
rampage of violence…His accomplice was a 17-year old illegal immigrant for
Jamaica, John Malvo, who was once
caught but then released (????) w/o being deported. His mom, also illegal, dated Mr. Muhammad and
both John s became friends. Malvo’s fingerprints were found on a gun
magazine in the store in Alabama
where 2 people were gunned down. Police
tracked Malvo’s history and it led them to Muhammad and the car he registered
in Baltimore .
66. October 2002: Two Islamic radicals in Kuwait open fire on U.S. marines, killing one before being shot dead. Others are later arrested by Kuwaiti officials.
67. October 28, 2002: A senior American diplomat is assassinated in Amman, Jordan.
68. November 28, 2002: Mombassa, Kenya: 16 are killed when an Arabic man detonates a car bomb at a hotel as 3 bus loads of Israelis arrive. 3 of the dead are Israeli. Hotel is destroyed. 80 wounded. At the airport, a shoulder launched surface to air missile misses hitting an airliner taking off during the same time of day.
69. December 29, 2002: Muslim extremist kills three U.S. citizens at a Southern Baptist clinic in Yemen.
70. March 4, 2003: Moro Islamic Liberation Front detonates backpack bomb in south Philippines airport, killing 19 and wounding 147, including an American family.
75. August 5, 2003: Jakarta Indonesia: Homicide bomber drives bomb laden truck at Marriott, killing 13 and wounding many. Blamed on Jemaah Islamiyah, the Islamic fundamentalist group pushing for pan-islamic asia.
85. March 17, 2004: Baghdad: Car bomb with 1000 lbs or so of explosives and artillery shells demolishes Mt. Lebanon Hotel, killing at least 27 and wounding dozens others.
86. March 28, 2004: 19 die as a couple of suicide/homocide bombers detonate themselves in two citites in Uzbekistan.
87. April 17, 2004: Kosovo. Three U.S. police officers working as U.N. officers and consultants to training the Kosovo prison system were killed in a gun battle by a Jordanian U.N. police officer who was then suspected of having ties to Hamas. He was also found to have traveled to Saudi Arabia one month earlier. Other U.N. police officers were wounded as the Jordanian Palestinian used an M-16 rifle while the others were armed with pistols.
88. April 21, 2004: Basra, Iraq: 5 homocide-suicide bombers detonate car bombs near police stations. At one location a school bus with kindergartners is affected. Approximately 68 dead and 200 wounded. Basra governor blames Al-Qaida or ally for attacks. Similar attacks against Shiites and Kurds have occurred.
89. April 21, 2004: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Car bomb outside security forces (police) building kills 4 and wounds over 160.
90. May 4, 2004: Tali Hatuel (34), 8 months pregnant, is forced off the road and is shot dead along with her 4 daughters ages 2, 7, 9, and 11, by 2 “Palestinian” gunmen who are later engaged in a firefight with Israeli security forces.
91. May 9, 2004: Grozny, Chechnya, Russia: Chechnya president is assassinated by bomb blast at stadium during parade, killing 24 in all. Separatists blamed.
92. May 31, 2004: Khobar, Saudi Arabia: About 7 Muslim terrorists attack a foreign worker housing apartment complex, taking many hostage. Siege by Saudi police. Site raided when terrorists start killing hostages. 22 hostages are killed, 50 rescued. Dead are among 10 nationalities, including one US citizen.
93. June 18, 2004: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Another American is decapitated by muslim terrorists. Paul Johnson joins Nick Berg and Daniel Perl as decapitation victims.
103. November 2005: Amman, Jordan: Three suicide-homocide bombers detonate belt bombs inside 3 american hotels, killing 57 (including 4 americans). A fourth bomber, a sister of one of the others, was captured (her belt failed to detonate).
104. November 15, 2005: Islamic separatists in Thailand kill 9 and injure 9 after attacking two homes and families in a village in southern Thailand. Thailand is still dealing with a conflict between Buddhist (majority) and muslim (minority) populations.
105. April 17, 2006: Tel Aviv, Israel: A Palestinian 17-yr old terrorist blows himself up at a fast food restaurant entrance, killing 8 and wounding many others. He was a member of Islamic Jihad (Palestinian group).
106. April 24, 2006: Another bombing in the Suez in Egypt targeting tourists (mostly European and Israeli). At least 22 dead.
107. July 11, 2006: Mumbai, India: 179 people killed and scores injured after 7 bombs go off on train system. Kashmir (Pakistani) muslims to blame.
108. Throughout 2007: Bombings occur almost daily in Iraq, as Sunni militants, Shiite militants, and Al Qaeda Salafi Wahhabi Sunni militants commit acts of terrorism against each other and those who support them.
109. June 30, 2007: Two attempted car bombings in London fail as the explosives fail to detonate. Cars were filled with gasoline and propane and nails. A third vehicle was driven into Glasgow Airport terminal in Scotland a day later but failed to break through the concrete pylons and detonated right at the windows of the terminal. Fire engulfed the vehicle and the two terrorists actually survived and were taken into custody. The two islamic militants are said to be from SE Asia (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia). Perpetrators are all arab doctors in England.
110. October 18, 2007: Karachi, Pakistan. Bomb goes off during parade celebrating return of former prime minister Bhutto (she is a moderate opposed by Islamic fundamentalists). Bomb went off near front of truck carrying Benazir Bhutto. Approximately 30 dead, 100 wounded.
111. December 26, 2007: Former prime minister Benazir Bhutto is assassinated in Pakistan by gun shots and suicide bomb attack. 20 others were killed. Bhutto was a candidate in the upcoming January elections and was killed by Islamic militants who oppose her relatively liberal concepts concerning women in the Islamic culture and secular government in an Islamic culture. Bhutto had stood up in the vehicle she was traveling in, leaving the protection of the bulletproof frame and windows.
112. December 27, 2007: Mauritania, jihadists murder a French family when the family pulled over to the side of the road to have a picnic. Only the father survived, but 4 others died, including 2 children. Perpetrators were described by the government as being of the group Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (sunni fundamentalist islamic militia).
113. March 6, 2008: Muslim arabs infiltrate a jewish school (seminary) in Jerusalem and murder 7 people and wound 10 others. An armed student in an adjacent building killed one of the terrorists when he came outside. Muslims in the Gaza territory celebrate in the streets after hea
ring of the attack.
114. March 11, 2008: Lahore, Pakistan: A suicide-homicide bomber drives a car packed with explosives next to a 7-story building that houses a federal police department involved in anti-terrorist activities, and detonates, killing 21 and wounding many. Building does not collapse but is gutted by explosion and fire. Another bomber walked up to an advertising agency’s small office building in a residential neighborhood and detonated, killing 3.
115. June 2, 2008: Islamabad, Pakistan: A suicide-homicide bomber detonates at the gate to the Danish embassy, killing at least 6 people, including a Danish-pakistani citizen and 2 Pakistani employees. Danes have been targets of Islamic hatred because of some cartoons published in newspapers in Denmark in recent years.
116. July 7, 2008: Kabul, Afghanistan, a car bomb driven by a homicide-suicide bomber destroys part of the Indian embassy, killing 40 and wounding others. Only 4 of the dead were Indians, the rest Afghani.
117. September 17, 2008: San’a, Yemen: Islamic militants armed with automatic weapons, RPGs, and a suicide-homocide car bomb attack the U.S. embassy in Yemen. The attack was confined to the front gate area because of good physical security. 6 attackers were killed, 6 Yemeni guards were killed, 4 civilians were killed, and many others wounded.
118. September 20, 2008: Pakistan. A homicide-suicide bomber using a dump truck detonated a large quantity of explosives outside the 5-story Marriot hotel in Islamabad. At least 53 people were killed and 250 wounded. At least one of the dead was a US citizen. The dump truck stopped 60 feet away from the hotel where two heavy metal barriers blocked entrance to vehicles. The amount of explosives however was so large that 60 feet was an inadequate buffer distance to disperse the blast wave. The subsequent fire gutted the hotel.
119. November 26, 2008: Mumbai, India. Gunmen, suspected muslim militants (e.g. “Indian Mujahideen”) attack 2 luxury hotels, a train station, a police station, a jewish community center, and a popular tourist attraction, killing approx 119 and wounding approx 288. Some gunmen were openly asking for and targeting Jewish, British and American visitors. Hostages were taken at several locations before Indian military and law enforcement brought closure to the incidents with commando assaults and negotiations.
120. February 22, 2009: Cairo, Egypt: A bomb is detonated outside a café in a famous bazaar that is frequented by tourists. One French woman is killed and 17 other French, German, and Egyptian citizens are injured. Tourists continue to be targets of Islamic fundamentalists who do not like their atheist/agnostic/Christian/Jewish influences present in their countries, and who use attacks on foreigners as a political scare tactic.
121. March 3, 2009: Lahore, Pakistan: Gunmen attack a Sri Lankan cricket team convoy, using rifles and RPGs, killing 5 policemen, two bystanders, and a bus driver. Six member of the cricket team were injured but did not die. Amazingly the attackers escaped the scene.
122. July 17, 2009: Jakarta, Indonesia: Marriot and Ritz Carlton hotels are hit by homicide bombers. The killers checked into the hotels earlier in the week where they assembled the bombs, then detonated them in the restaurants of the hotels. At least 8 killed, over 50 wounded. Most guests at hotels were foreigners. Islamic fundamentalists from the group Jemaah Islamiyah are suspected of organizing the attack. Indonesian jihadists website proclaims “mission accomplished”.
123. August 19, 2009: Baghdad, Iraq: Several car bombs are detonated near the Finance Ministry and Foreign Ministry Buildings, and by an Iraqi police and army patrol. Roughly 95 are killed and 200+ wounded. Sunni fundamentalist insurgents are suspected.
124. December 3, 2009: Mogadishu, Somalia: A suicide-homicide bomber disguised as a woman blew himself up at a college graduation ceremony at the Shamo Hotel. At least 22 confirmed dead and many wounded. Blamed on Al-Shabab, the Islamic fundamentalist group controlling much of the central and southern parts of the country under Sharia law. Three journalists were among the dead, one a Saudi and two from Somalia. The ceremony was for medical and engineering graduates of Benadir University that was established in 2002 in this war-torn country.
125. March 2010: Two suicide-homicide bombers kill 40 in the Moscow subway system.
126. January 24, 2011: A suicide-homicide bomber kills 35 and injures 180 at the Moscow international airport international arrivals hall. A 20-yr old from the Caucasus region is identified as the bomber, suspected of being recruited by the Islamic separatists in the Caucasus (i.e Chechens and other Islamic ethic groups).
127. Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi, Libya: On the anniversary of 9/11, in the evening, a large number of armed men storm the gate to the property being used as the consultate and residence for Ambassador Chris Stevens. The attackers set fire to the main building where the Ambassador, the I.T. officer Sean Smith, and one security officer were present. Sean Smith is found dead. The nearby CIA annex has a 6-man security team that travels to the consulate. They join up with a local translator and 3 friendly militiamen and engage the attacking militiamen. The fire and smoke are too intense and the CIA team leaves with surviving State Dept officers back to annex. The annex is attacked around midnight. At 1:15AM 7 reinforcements arrive from a hastily chartered private plane from Tripoli. The annex is attacked again at 5:15AM. Mortar fire kills 2 of the CIA security specialists (Mr. Woods and Mr. Doherty). The annex is rescued by Libyan military intelligence service personnel in a 50 vehicle convoy and escorted to the airport. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barak Obama are harshly criticized for downplaying the event initially by blaming the aggression on protests of an anti-Islam video made by a USA immigrant in California. The aggression was an organized attack by Islamic fundamentalist militants (Ansar Al-Sharia). The Clinton and Democrat led State Department leadership is also harshly criticized for ignoring Ambassador Stevens’ request for 13 additional security agents, allowing the Defense Dept site security contract to expire, and ignoring concerns about intel indicating that 10 islamic fundamentalist training camps were local in Benghazi. The death of the 4 at Benghazi is shameful in light of the evidence of lack of support for the local American staff, and an excellent movie is made recreating in detail the events on Sept. 11 and 12 (“13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi”).
128. April 2013: Two Chechen muslim immigrants to the USA detonate two pressure cooker bombs at the Boston marathon. Four people are killed and over 200 wounded, some requiring amputations. One of the terrorists is killed in a shootout with police, and the other is captured in the city while fleeing. On May 22 an FBI agent shoots and kills Ibragim Todashev in Orlando, an apparent acquaintance of the Tsarnaev brothers, during questioning.
129. Sept. 2013: Somalia-based muslim terrorists (al-qaida linked al-shabab) storm a high-end shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya (The Westgate Mall). 67 were killed before Kenyan military forces and police forces could end the terror.
Follow up: March 19, 2015, US drone strike kills one of the suspected masterminds of the attack, Adan Garar.
130. Dec. 29 and 30, 2013: Volgograd (Stalingrad), Russia. Chechnian or Dagestan (Caucasus region) Islamic separatists of the “Caucasus Emirate” terrorist group detonate a suicide-bomber at the main train station, killing 17, and then a suicide-bomber on a trolley bus the next day, killing 14. Many more wounded.
131. December 16, 2014: Peshawar, Pakistan: Islamist militants attack the army public school, killing 145 children and staff. All 7 terrorists were ultimately killed by Pakistan army special forces. The planner of the attack, Saddam Jan, was hunted down and killed by special forces on December 26.
132. Jan. 7 to 9, 2015: Paris, France. 17 people are murdered by islamists in attacks at the Charlie Hebdo magazine office, a kosher grocery store, and in a suburb area of Montrouge, France. 2 attackers from the office shooting are killed by police during a standoff, and 1 attacker from the grocery store attack is also killed. The killers were French-algerians and a French-senegalese, and another suspect, a woman, was arrested, another French-algerian. The attack and escape at the office kills 2 policemen. The attack in Montrouge kills a female police officer.
133. Feb. 16, 2015: Copenhagen, Denmark. Omar El-Hussein, 22, murders a film director and jewish man, as well as injures 5 policemen, during a shooting attack at a free-speech assembly and debate and at a synagogue. The murderer was killed by police.
134. March 15, 2015: Lahore, Pakistan: Islamist militants detonate bombs (suicide-homicide bombers) immediately oustide two Christian churches, killing 14 and injuring approximately 80. Security guards stopped suspects just outside the churches but the bombers detonated anyway.
135. March 18, 2015: Tunis, Tunisia: 2 islamic militants kill 21, mostly foreigners, at the Bardo Natonal Museum near the country’s legislative building. 17 of the dead were tourists from cruise ships. Tunisian security forces killed the two gunmen. ISIS claims some responsibility.
136. April 3, 2015: Northeast Kenya: 147 men and women, mostly college students, are slaughtered by al-Shabab islamists at Garissa University. The islamists singled out Christian students and shot them on the spot. 4 gunmen were surrounded in a building and detonated explosive vests. The only 2 guards at the campus were killed at the onset.
137. May 4, 2015: Garland, Texas. Nadir Soofi and Elton Simpson, both linking themselves to ISIS, wearing body armor and carrying rifles, attempt to attack an event center where a freedom of speech assembly was occurring. An off-duty police security officer outside the building shot dead both attackers with a pistol before they could make any progress into the facility.
138. June 27, 2015: Sousse, Tunisia: A lone ismalic militant uses a Kalashnikov style rifle and grenades to kill tourists and staff at a private hotel and beach. At least 39 were killed and many others wounded before the gunman monster was killed by police. Mostly british, but also Germans, Belgians, French, and at least one Irish citizen were among the dead.
139. July 16, 2015: Chatanooga, Tennessee. Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez attacks two military sites, killing 5 U.S. servicemen. The attacker shot from his car through the frontage glass of a recruitment lease space wounding 1 but no others, then drove to the U.S. Naval and Marine Reserve Center 7 miles away and crashed through the gate and entered the building. The attacker killed a Petty Officer after being shot at, then killed 2 marines in the motorpool. He then killed 2 more marines who were helping others escape. Chatanooga police officers were then onsite and killed Mohammad.
140. October 31, 2015, Egypt: An Airbus passenger jet, Metrojet A321 from Russia, explodes in mid-air after take-off from Cairo, killing all 224 people on board. The explosion is determined to have come from explosives planted or brought on board as evidence of explosive material was found on crash site debris. Islamic fundamentalist militants claimed responsibility while in conflict with Russia in Syria as Russian forces provide assistance to the Assad regime which is at war with Islamic fundamentalists and more secular rebel groups.
141. November 14, 2015: Paris, France. In possibly the worst terrorist attack in France modern history, 8 islamic fundamentalists kill 129 people in scattered attacks in one region of the city and wound 352. 3 attackers each with suicide bomber vests detonate at 3 different locations outside Stade de France where a soccer match between France and Germany was underway. The men were not able to get into the stadium and detonated outside, but amazingly only one bystander was killed in the 3 blasts. At the Bataclan music hall, however, 3 men and 1 woman with semi-automatic rifles entered during a concert (an American heavy metal band) and killed 89 people before police could successfully enter. 3 appear to have detonated suicide vests when cornered and being shot by police while the 4th was killed by police. One of the killers was identified as Ismael Omar Mosterfai, a French citizen. An unknown number of shooters in a black Seat Leon killed 39 people at 3 separate restaurant sites from outside the cafes in apparent driveby shootings. A shooter left the vehicle and detonated his vest bomb but no one else was killed nearby. He was identified as another French citizen. The attackers appeared to have connections to people in Belgium.
142. November 20, 2015, Bamako, Mali: 2 militant islamist gunmen kill 20 at the Radisson Blu hotel in the capital city.
143. November 16, 2015, Beirut, Lebanon: 43 people are killed and hundreds injured when two suicide-homicide bombers detonate vests. A third bomber is found dead before he could detonate. The target appears to have been a Shia mosque area (i.e. Sunni-ISIS on Shiite violence). 3 lebanese-americans from Michigan were among the victims. Syrian and Palestinian sunnis are suspected of aiding in the attack and arrested.
144. December 2, 2015, San Bernardino, California: Syed Farook and his muslim immigrant wife Tashfeen Malik, living in Redlands, enter a Dept of Public Health training event and Chrismas party of approx.. 80 employees and shoot and kill 14 people and injur 22 others. Malik was born in Pakistan and immigrated lawfully into the United States. The shooters leave the building and are subsequently identified driving a rented SUV by police and are killed after a 5 minute shootout in the street. Farouk was a health inspector for the San Bernardino County.
145. January 10, 2016: PhiladelphiaL muslim Edward Archer who after his arrest pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) attempts to murder a police officer in his patrol car. Fortunately the police officer, Jesse Hartnett survives with just multiple wounds to his arm.
146. January 12, 2016, Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey: A syrian member of ISIS detonates a bomb vest next to a tour group and kills 13 and injures 15, near the Obelisk of Theodosius. 12 of the dead were german, another one was from Peru.
147. January 22, 2016, Mogadishu, Somalia: Al-Shabab Islamic terrorists attack a beach-front restaurant and hotel, killing 20 and wounding 17, with their typical carb bomb to break through gate and gunfighter assault tactic, before the 6 attackers were killed by Somali security forces.
148. March 22, 2016, Brussels, Belgium: Three Islamic militants detonate bombs at Brussels Airport check-in area and a subway train station, killing 32 people. Two other muslims are arrested in connection with the attack. This same group of men was linked to the Paris attacks.
149. March 27, 2016, Lahore, Pakistan: 69 people are killed by a bomb blast in a kids park, and 341 others are injured. The park was in a predominantly Christian minority neighborhood and it was clear the attack was targeting Christian women and children. Jamat-uh-Ahrar (Pakistan Taliban) claimed responsibility for the attack.
150. May 11, 2016: Baghdad, Iraq. A car bomb is used to kill at least 45 and wound at least 65 at a commercial market area in a predominantly Shiite neighborhood. The Sunni group ISIS claims responsibility. The driver of the pickup truck laded with explosives covered with fruit was seen leaving the scene.
151. June 1, 2016, Mogadishu, Somalia: Hotel Ambassador is attacked by Islamic terrorists, killing 16 people, including 2 legislators, and wounding 55. There appeared to be 3 attackers killed by Somali security forces.
152. June 12, 2016, Orlando, Florida: 29-yr old muslim Omar Mateen slaughters 49 people and wounds 53 others after entering the Pulse nightclub before being shot dead by police after a 3 hour standoff. Mateen swore allegiance to the Islamic devil Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
153. June 26, 2016, Mogadishu, Somalia: An Islamic terrorist homicide-suicide bomber blows a vehicle at gate of the Nara-Hablod hotel, followed by a second explosion with attackers fighting their way into hotel. Somali security forces kill the 3 attackers during the siege, but 15 people were killed and 20 wounded.
154. June 28, 2016, Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey: Two muslim terrorists enter the international airport terminal xray checkpoint and open fire with rifles. Police return fire. One attacker is mortally wounded but detonated the bomb vest he was wearing, the other shooter is killed. A third attacker detonated a bomb outside the terminal (suicide-homicide bomber). The terrorists actions kill 45 people and wound 230. Investigations reveal that the attackers were Chechnya muslims working with ISIS.
155. July 1, 2016, Dhaka, Bengladesh: Jihadists from ISIS massacre 24 people (2 were police officers) and wound 40 at the Holey Artisan Bakery café. The terrorists used cleavers to hack at victims in addition to using guns. Among the killed were 9 italians, 1 American, 7 japanese, and 1 indian citizen, and 3 of these were students at UC Berkely and Emory University. The 5 attackers made patrons recite koran verses to find out who was not muslim, then proceeded to kill the non-muslims. The 5 attackers were killed by government commandos as they raided the restaurant.
156. July 14, 2016, Nice, France: A tunesian-french muslim, Mohamed L. Bouhlel, drives a truck through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day and engages in police with a gun. The terrorist kills 84 people mostly with the truck, including 10 children, leaving bodies along a mile long path on the road along the beach before being killed by police. Among the victims are a father and son from the Austin, Texas area.
157. July 25, 2016, Ansbach, Germany: A 27-year old Syrian refugee, detonates a bomb in a backpack outside a wine bar, wounding 15 (3 gravely). He had tried to enter a concert but was kept away (no ticket). The bomber had pledged allegiance to ISIS.
158. July 26, 2016, Rouen, France: Two muslim terrorists pledging allegiance to ISIS murder an 84-year old Catholic priest (Jacques Hamel) with knives, critically wound a parishioner or nun, and temporarily hold hostages before police shoot and kill them. The Islamic terrorists filmed their execution of the priest.
159. August 10, 2016: Quetta, Pakistan: 74 people are murdered by a suicide-homicide bomber outside a hospital where grief-stricken attorneys and other members of the legal industry were mourning the death of a colleague who was the leader of the provincial bar association who was assassinated that morning. Jamaat-ur-Ahrar (Taliban) claimed responsibility. An entire generation of city attorneys was wiped out by the mass killing.
160. September 17, 2016, Saint Cloud, Minnesota: Dahir Adan, a Somalian, stabs 9 people at the Crossroads Mall before being shot dead by an off duty police officer carrying a concealed handgun. An ISIS-linked news site praised Dahir as a soldier of the Islamic State.
161. September 18, 2016: New York City and New Jersey: On the 17th a pipe bomb explodes near the route of a 5k race but no one is injured because the race had been delayed, ironically due to the investigation of an unattended backpack. A bomb goes off Sunday night in the Chelsea neighborhood of NYC, injuring 29 people. An unexploded device is quickly found 4 blocks away (pressure cooker bomb) and removed by police. The suspect, Ahmed Rahami, an Afghanistan immigrant to the USA, is caught after a short running gun battle with police after being found sleeping in the doorway to a bar. One police officer was shot in the vest and the suspect was shot in the leg and shoulder. Also on Sunday night 5 pipe bomb devices are found near the train station and one explodes while a bomb squad robot tried to disarm the bomb.
162. November 28, 2016: Ohio State University; an 18-year old Somali immigrant who came to the USA in 2014 via Pakistan with his family with an approved green card uses car to plow into crowd on campus and gets out wielding a knife and stabbing people before being shot dead by a campus police officer who just happened to be nearby due to a reported gas leak. Abdul Artan was apparently radicalized by reading and listening to salafi wahabi Islamic propaganda and posted his anger on social media sites. 11 people were injured but fortunately no one died. Several were hospitalized for a prolonged period.
163. Dec. 11, 2016, Cairo, Egypt: A TNT bomb is detonated at the chapel adjacent to the Coptic Christian cathedral, killing 25, mostly women and children, and wounding 49.
164. Dec. 16, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey: Two bombs explode on a Saturday night outside a soccer stadium, killing 38 and wounding 155. 30 of the victims were police officers. One bomb was a suicide vest, the other a suicide car. Although Turkish officials were quick to blame Kurds (PKK), there is no evidence that this was not the work of ISIS due to the conflict in Syria and Iraq.
165. Dec. 19, 2016: Ankara, Turkey: The Russian Ambassador to Turkey is assassinated in public at an art exhibit by a lone Islamic gunman, a 22-yr old police riot officer who entered the building using his police ID, who is subsequently shot and killed by police.
166. Dec. 19, 2016: Berlin, Germany: A truck is driven into a crowd at a Christmas market, killing 12 people and injuring 48. The driver, a Tunisian-born 24-year old immigrant refugee (so-called asylum seeker) who was on the police radar due to previous criminal behavior and Salafist wahabi islam associations. The legitimate driver of the truck had been beaten and shot dead to steal the truck (13th victim). The killer was found 4 days later and was killed in a shootout with police.
167. New Year’s Eve, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey: An Islamic terrorist with a semi-automatic rifle kills a police officer and security guard and bystander outside the popular Reina nightclub and then enters going on a shooting spree. Over 500 people were in the club. 39 were killed and dozens wounded. The attacker fled after changing clothes and was on the loose at the time of this post. ISIS claimed the attacker was one of their members. Victims were from Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Canada, India, Iraq, and a French-Tunisian.
168. Jan. 25, 2017, Mogadishu, Somalia: Islamic terrorist of Al-Shabab attack the Dayah hotel, killing 28 and wounding 43 before the 4 attackers are killed by Somali security forces.
169. March 24, 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A suicide-homicide bomber detonates at a police checkpoint near the international airport. This follows two other bomber incidents the previous week where Islamic militants targeted authorities. During a subsequent raid by police on a building housing Islamic militants in Sylhet, two bomb blasts occur, killing 6 and wounding 40.
170. March 24, 2017, London, Great Britain: Khalid Masood, a muslim Britton born in the UK, plows through pedestrians on the Westminster Bridge (killing 3 and wounding many) and crashes into Parliament property perimeter railing. He rushes the gate with two knives, stabbing one policeman to death before being shot by a professional law enforcement agent, dying soon thereafter. A United States citizen is among those killed.
171. April 5, 2017: Saint Petersburg, Russia: A man from Kyrgyzstan (City of Osh), who received Russian citizenship in 2011, detonates a bomb in a subway train, killing 14 and injuring 64. Metal screws were used for the projectiles. A second bomb disguised as a fire extinguisher was diffused. The killer had grown a beard, a possible sign of Islamic fundamentalism, and had a link to the Islamic site Tawba on his social media page. The man, an Uzbeck, which is a more fundamentalist Islamic tribe than the Kyrgyz, is suspected of having been recruited by ISIS along with many other men in the region. The man (who I will not name) was brought to Russia by his father to work, but instead killed innocent people including children.
172. April, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden: A 39-yr old Uzbek muslim drives a stolen beer truck through a crowd on a street busy with shoppers, killing 4 and wounding 15 others. His request for citizenship had been rejected and he had been ordered deported but did not leave. There was evidence of the man having sympathetic ideology to groups such as ISIS. He was arrested several hours after the attack.
173. April 9, 2017: Tanta, Egypt, and Alexandria, Egypt: ISIS claims responsibility for two terrorist bombings in Egypt. 16 are killed and 41 wounded at Saint Marks Cathedral (Coptic Christian community) after a suicide-homicide Islamic fundamentalist detonates his vest at the security checkpoint. 27 are killed and 78 wounded at Saint George Church in Tanta when a suicide bomber detonates his vest inside the church.
174. April 20, 2017, Paris, France: A muslim gunman exits a car on the Champs Elysees Blvd and opens fire on a van and policemen in the evening while the shops and street were crowded. One officer is killed and 2 wounded before another officer kills the gunman.
175. May 22, 2017, Manchester, England (Great Britain): Salman Abedi, a muslim from Libyan father and mother who emigrated to Great Britain in 1993 before returning to Libya later, detonates a shrapnel bomb inside the ticketing area of a stadium where an Ariana Grande concert was just finishing. 22 people are killed and 119 wounded. Among the dead were teenage girls and an 8-year old girl. Law enforcement officials confirm a network was being investigated as Salman was confirmed to be communicating with a group of Islamic fundamentalists, including Islamic State (ISIS) and was only the “mule” carrying the bomb, not the bomb maker. Libyan security officers arrest his 2 brothers and father.
196. December 2019, Pensacola, Florida: Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani of Sauid Arabia, training at the US Naval Air Station base, kills 3 and wounds 8 using a 9mm handgun with high capacity magazine before being shot dead by local police responding to the emergency calls. The shooter’s social media posts confirmed he was a fundamentalist muslim who expressed hatred for America.
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
--John Stuart Mill
6. Assassination of Egyptian President, October 6, 1981: Soldiers who were secretly members of the Takfir Wal-Hajira sect attacked and killed Egyptian President Anwar Sadat during a troop review.
7. Assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister, September 14, 1982: Premier Bashir Gemayel was assassinated by a car bomb parked outside his party's Beirut headquarters.
8. Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut, April 18, 1983: Sixty-three people, including the CIA's Middle East director, were killed, and 120 were injured in a 400-pound suicide truck-bomb attack on the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
9. Bombing of Marine Barracks, Beirut, October 23, 1983: Simultaneous suicide truck-bomb attacks were made on American and French compounds in Beirut, Lebanon. A 12,000-pound bomb destroyed the
10. Kidnapping of Embassy Official, March 16, 1984: The Islamic Jihad (Hezbollah) kidnapped and later murdered Political Officer William Buckley in Beirut, Lebanon. Other
11. Hezbollah Restaurant Bombing, April 12, 1984: Eighteen U.S.
servicemen were killed, and 83 people were injured in a bomb attack on a
restaurant near a U.S. Air Force Base in Torrejon, Spain. Responsibility was
claimed by Hezbollah.
13. Air India Bombing, June 23, 1985: A bomb destroyed an Air India Boeing 747 over the Atlantic, killing all 329 people aboard. Both Sikh and Kashmiri terrorists were blamed for the attack. Two cargo handlers were killed at
14. Achille Lauro Hijacking, October 7, 1985:
Palestinian Liberation Front terrorists seized the Italian cruise liner in the
eastern Mediterranean Sea, taking more than 700 hostages. One U.S. passenger
was murdered before the Egyptian Government offered the terrorists safe haven
in return for the hostages' freedom.
15. Egyptian Airliner Hijacking, November 23,
An EgyptAir airplane bound from Athens to Malta and carrying several U.S.
citizens was hijacked by the Abu Nidal Group.
16. Aircraft Bombing in Greece, March 30,
A Palestinian splinter group detonated a bomb as TWA Flight 840 approached
Athens Airport, killing four U.S. citizens.
17. Berlin Discoteque Bombing, April 5, 1986: Two U.S. soldiers
were killed, and 79 American servicemen were injured in a Libyan bomb attack on
a nightclub in West Berlin, West Germany. In retaliation, U.S. military
jets bombed targets in and around Tripoli
and Ben ghazi .
18. Kidnapping of William Higgins, February
17, 1988:
U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. W. Higgins was kidnapped and murdered by the
Iranian-backed Hezbollah group while serving with the United Nations Truce
Supervisory Organization (UNTSO) in southern Lebanon .
20. Pan Am 103 Bombing, December 21, 1988: Pan American
Airlines Flight 103 was blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland, by a bomb believed
to have been placed on the aircraft in Frankfurt, West Germany, by Libyan
terrorists. All 259 people on board were killed.
21. Assassination of U.S. Army Officer, April
21, 1989:
The New People's Army (NPA) assassinated Col. James Rowe in Manila . The NPA also assassinated two U.S. government
defense contractors in September.
22. U.S. Soldiers Assassinated in the
Philippines, May 13, 1990: The New People's Army (NPA) killed two U.S. Air Force
personnel near Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines.
Attempted Iraqi Attacks on U.S. Posts, January 18-19, 1991: Iraqi agents planted
bombs at the U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia's home residence and at the USIS
library in Manila.
24. Kidnapping of U.S. Businessmen in the
Philippines, January 17-21, 1992: A senior official of the corporation
Philippine Geothermal was kidnapped in Manila by the Red Scorpion Group, and
two U.S. businessmen were seized independently by the National Liberation Army
and by Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).
25. Bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Argentina, March 17, 1992: Hezbollah claimed responsibility for a blast that leveled the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, causing the deaths of 29 and wounding 242.
Attempted Assassination of President Bush by Iraqi Agents, April 14, 1993: The Iraqi
intelligence service attempted to assassinate former U.S. President George Bush
during a visit to Kuwait. In retaliation, the U.S. under President Bill Clinton launched a cruise missile
attack 2 months later on the Iraqi capital Baghdad . Kuwait arrested 17 individuals who were plotting the car bomb attack.
28. Air France Hijacking, December 24, 1994: Members of the Armed Islamic Group seized an Air France Flight to Algeria. The four terrorists were killed during a rescue effort.
29. Argentina, 1994: Jewish community
center is bombed, killing 86. Argentine
authorities ultimately issue arrest warrants for members of Hezbollah.
Attack on U.S. Diplomats in Pakistan, March 8, 1995: Two unidentified
gunmen killed two U.S. diplomats and wounded a third in Karachi, Pakistan.
31. Bombing of the Federal Building in
Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995: Americans Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols
destroyed the Federal Building in Oklahoma City with a massive truck bomb that
killed 166 and injured hundreds more in what was up to then the largest
terrorist attack on American soil. The
bombing has also been linked (under dispute though) to Iraqi nationals and
other Islamic radicals operating in the USA and in the Philippines who assisted
the two Americans with the attack. The
bomb was delivered with a Ryder truck rented from an adjacent state, just as
the bomb delivered to the WTC in 1993.
Contact between Mr. Nichols and Islamic terrorists in ‘90-‘93 (Ramzi
Youssef, who was later convicted for involvement in the ‘93 WTC bombing) was
confirmed in the Philippines, and McVeigh was witnessed with several muslims in
Oklahoma City. Youssef was involved in
the bombing of the grounded 747 in the Phillipines in ’95. Abdul Hakim Murad, in a NYC jail on trial for
conspiring to bomb 5 planes, confessed in writing that Ramzi’s “Liberation
Army” was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing (see FBI report referenced
by McVeigh’s attorneys in his ’97 petition for writ of mandamus).
32. Kashmiri Hostage-taking, July 4, 1995: In India, six
foreigners, including two U.S. citizens, were taken hostage by Al-Faran, a
Kashmiri separatist group. One non-U.S. hostage was later found beheaded.
33. Jerusalem Bus Attack, August 21, 1995: Hamas claimed
responsibility for the detonation of a bomb that killed six and injured over
100 persons, including several U.S. citizens.
34. Saudi Military Installation Attack,
November 13, 1995:
The Islamic Movement of Change planted a bomb in a Riyadh military compound
that killed one U.S. citizen, several foreign national employees of the U.S.
Government, and more than 40 others.
35. Egyptian Embassy Attack, November 19,
A suicide bomber drove a vehicle into the Egyptian Embassy compound in
Islamabad, Pakistan, killing at least 16 and injuring 60 persons. Three
militant Islamic groups claimed responsibility.
36. Hamas Bus Attack, February 26, 1996: In Jerusalem, a
suicide bomber blew up a bus, killing 26 persons, including three U.S.
citizens, and injuring some 80 persons, including three other US citizens.
37. Dizengoff Center Bombing, March 4, 1996: Hamas and the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) both claimed responsibility for a bombing outside of Tel Aviv's largest shopping mall that killed 20 persons and injured 75 others, including two U.S. citizens.
38. West Bank Attack, May 13, 1996: Arab gunmen opened fire on a bus and a group of Yeshiva students near the Bet El settlement, killing a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen and wounding three Israelis. No one claimed responsibility for the attack, but Hamas was suspected.
39. Zekharya Attack, June 9, 1996: Unidentified gunmen opened fire on a car near Zekharya, killing a dual U.S./Israeli citizen and an Israeli. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) is suspected.
40. Khobar Towers Bombing, June 25, 1996: A fuel truck carrying a bomb exploded outside the U.S. military's Khobar Towers housing facility in Dhahran, killing 19 U.S. military personnel and wounding 515 persons, including 240 U.S. personnel. Several groups claimed responsibility for the attack but they were ultimately attributed to Hezbollah.
41. Bombing of Archbishop of Oran, August 1, 1996: A bomb exploded at the home of the French Archbishop of Oran, killing him and his chauffeur. The attack occurred after the Archbishop's meeting with the French Foreign Minister. The Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA) is suspected.
42. Paris Subway Explosion, December 3, 1996: A bomb exploded aboard a Paris subway train as it arrived at the Port Royal station, killing two French nationals, a Moroccan, and a Canadian, and injuring 86 persons. Among those injured were one
43. Empire State Building Sniper Attack, February 23, 1997: A Palestinian gunman opened fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State Building in New York City, killing a Danish national and wounding visitors from the United States, Argentina, Switzerland, and France before turning the gun on himself. A handwritten note carried by the gunman claimed this was a punishment attack against the "enemies of
Israeli Shopping Mall Bombing, September 4, 1997: Three suicide
bombers of Hamas detonated bombs in the Ben
Yehuda shopping mall in Jerusalem, killing eight persons, including the
bombers, and wounding nearly 200 others. A dual U.S./Israeli citizen was among
the dead, and seven U.S.
citizens were wounded.
45. Murder of U.S. Businessmen in Pakistan, November 12, 1997: Two unidentified gunmen shot to death four U.S. auditors from Union Texas Petroleum Corporation and their Pakistani driver after they drove away from the Sheraton Hotel in Karachi. The Islami Inqilabi Council, or Islamic Revolutionary Council, claimed responsibility in a call to the U.S. Consulate in
47. U.S. Embassy Bombings in East Africa, August 7, 1998: A bomb exploded at the rear entrance of the U.S. embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, killing 12 U.S. citizens, 32 Foreign Service Nationals (FSNs), and 247 Kenyan citizens. About 5,000 Kenyans, six
48. Sept. 4, 1999: 64 people are killed
when explosions destroy a 5-story apartment building in Buinaksk, Dagestan province
of Russia . The building housed mostly families of
Russian military personnel serving in Chechnya . The attack was by Islamic wahabi insurgents,
supposedly in retaliation for air strikes on wahabi targets in Dagestan .
49. Sept. 8 and 13, 1999: Two Moscow apartment
buildings are leveled by explosions, killing 94 and 32 respectively. Russia is at war with muslim
separatists in Chechnya .
51. Church Bombing in Tajikistan, October 1, 2000: Unidentified militants detonated two bombs in a Christian church in Dushanbe, killing seven persons and injuring 70 others. The church was founded by a Korean-born
52. Attack on U.S.S. Cole, October 12, 2000: In Aden, Yemen, a small dingy carrying explosives rammed the destroyer U.S.S. Cole, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39 others. Supporters of Usama Bin Ladin were suspected.
53. Manila Bombing, December 30, 2000: A bomb exploded in a plaza across the street from the U.S. embassy in Manila, injuring nine persons. The Moro Islamic Liberation Front was likely responsible.
54. January 3, 2001: In Zurich, Switzerland, a bomb exploded outside the glass entrance doors to the office of El Al Airlines, causing damage to the doors, according to press reports. The Revolutionary Perspective claimed responsibility in a message faxed to the Associated Press.
55. January 8, 2001: In Annaba, Algeria, according to press reports, armed militants killed six Russian citizens. The Armed Islamic Group is probably responsible.
56. Srinagar Airport Attack, January 17, 2001: In India, six members of the Lashkar-e-Tayyba militant group were killed when they attempted to seize a local airport.
57. BBC Studios Bombing, March 4, 2001: A car bomb exploded at midnight outside of the British Broadcasting Corporation's main production studios in London.
58. Bus Stop Bombing, April 22, 2001: A member of Hamas detonated a bomb he was carrying near a bus stop in Kfar Siva, Israel, killing one person and injuring 60.
59. Tel-Aviv Nightclub Bombing, June 1, 2001: Hamas claimed responsibility for the bombing of a popular Israeli nightclub that caused over 140 casualties.

62. October 6, 2002 off the coast of Yemen: A French oil tanker is sunk and one crewman dies after a small boat laden with explosives rams the broadside of the ship, breaching both walls of the double hull and sinking the ship.
63. October 13, 2002, Bali, Indonesia: 183 Australians, Indonesians, and Europeans are killed when two bombs are detonated in a club district. The effective bomb was an ammonium nitrate mix similar to the ones used in
64. October 23, 2002: Approx. 40 violent Islamic radicals (“Chechen rebels”) storm a

66. October 2002: Two Islamic radicals in Kuwait open fire on U.S. marines, killing one before being shot dead. Others are later arrested by Kuwaiti officials.
67. October 28, 2002: A senior American diplomat is assassinated in Amman, Jordan.
68. November 28, 2002: Mombassa, Kenya: 16 are killed when an Arabic man detonates a car bomb at a hotel as 3 bus loads of Israelis arrive. 3 of the dead are Israeli. Hotel is destroyed. 80 wounded. At the airport, a shoulder launched surface to air missile misses hitting an airliner taking off during the same time of day.
69. December 29, 2002: Muslim extremist kills three U.S. citizens at a Southern Baptist clinic in Yemen.
70. March 4, 2003: Moro Islamic Liberation Front detonates backpack bomb in south Philippines airport, killing 19 and wounding 147, including an American family.
71. March 2003: Islamic terrorists in Chechnya use two truck bombs to commit a suicide-homicide bombing, killing 57 at a government building.
72. May 12, 2003: Islamic terrorists in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, attack 3 residential compounds using truck bombs and rifles. 20 were killed, including 7 U.S. citizens.
72. May 12, 2003: Islamic terrorists in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, attack 3 residential compounds using truck bombs and rifles. 20 were killed, including 7 U.S. citizens.
73. May 17, 2003:
Casablanca, Morocco, suicide/homicide Islamic fundamentalist bombers use
explosive laden belts and killed 41 people, mostly Moroccan but also at least 6
europeans, outside of the Belgian consulate, a jewish center, and several
74. July 12, 2003:
Moscow. 17 young Russian concert goers
are killed when two Chechnyan women strapped with explosives detonate their
76. August 18, 2003: Baghdad, Iraq:
Homicide bomber drives a concrete truck loaded with explosive compounds into
U.N. building, destroying a good part of the two story structure and killing 21
and wounding many international U.N. staff and Iraqis.
August 19, 2003:
Jerusalem, homicide bomber boards tandem bus and murders 23, including at least
5 children. Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad
claim responsibility.
78. August 25, 2003: Bombay, India. Two taxis are used as homicide car bombs, killing 46, wounding 150, including some muslim victims. “Militant” muslim group inIndia is
78. August 25, 2003: Bombay, India. Two taxis are used as homicide car bombs, killing 46, wounding 150, including some muslim victims. “Militant” muslim group in
79. August 28, 2003: Homocide bomber
drives truck bomb near Iman Ali shrine in Najaf, Iraq, killing 85 iraqi
Shiites. 19 are arrested, 11 are Iraqis
and Saudis, 2 are Kuwaiti, and 6 are Palestians, all reportedly associated with
Al-Qaida by the Iraqi police.
80. November 8, 2003:
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Islamic extremist conducts suicide/homocide car bombing
at foreign housing complex, killing 17 and wounding over 100, mostly other
81. November
15, 2003: Istanbul, Turkey: Car bombs used at 2 synagogues,
killing 20 (mostly muslims in street), and wounding over 300. Turkish law enforcement suspects
international islamic terrorists.
82. November
20, 2003: Istanbul, Turkey: Two suicide-homicide truck
bombers kill 27 and wound over 400 at British consulate and London-based
bank. President Bush is in Great Britain
at the time, a day after giving arguably his best speech ever, to the British
83. February
7, 2004: Moscow, Friday morning, homicide/suicide bomber
enters crowded subway car and kills 39 and injures 100+. Chechnyan Islamic terrorists are blamed as
this is another in a series of attacks against Russians.
84. March 11, 2004: Madrid, Spain: Exactly 2.5 years after 9/11, backpack bombs are
detonated at multiple train stations, killing over 200 and wounding over
1,400. At first the Basque separatists
were blamed, but Abu Hafs Al-Masri claimed responsibility in the name of Islam
(Al-Qaeda), a punishment for Spain ’s
support of the US
led coalition to remove Saddam Hussein.
The socialist party of Spain
subsequently won additional legislature seats days after the event as many in Spain blamed
the majority party for attracting the attack for supporting the US in the
ousting of Saddam Hussein (“the war in Iraq ”). Police raided an apartment where 7 suspects
detonated a bomb, killing one policeman outside and all 7 of them. A video in the rubble included a threat
statement that was made, which demanded Spain pull troops out of Afghanistan and
Iraq .
85. March 17, 2004: Baghdad: Car bomb with 1000 lbs or so of explosives and artillery shells demolishes Mt. Lebanon Hotel, killing at least 27 and wounding dozens others.
86. March 28, 2004: 19 die as a couple of suicide/homocide bombers detonate themselves in two citites in Uzbekistan.
87. April 17, 2004: Kosovo. Three U.S. police officers working as U.N. officers and consultants to training the Kosovo prison system were killed in a gun battle by a Jordanian U.N. police officer who was then suspected of having ties to Hamas. He was also found to have traveled to Saudi Arabia one month earlier. Other U.N. police officers were wounded as the Jordanian Palestinian used an M-16 rifle while the others were armed with pistols.
88. April 21, 2004: Basra, Iraq: 5 homocide-suicide bombers detonate car bombs near police stations. At one location a school bus with kindergartners is affected. Approximately 68 dead and 200 wounded. Basra governor blames Al-Qaida or ally for attacks. Similar attacks against Shiites and Kurds have occurred.
89. April 21, 2004: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Car bomb outside security forces (police) building kills 4 and wounds over 160.
90. May 4, 2004: Tali Hatuel (34), 8 months pregnant, is forced off the road and is shot dead along with her 4 daughters ages 2, 7, 9, and 11, by 2 “Palestinian” gunmen who are later engaged in a firefight with Israeli security forces.
91. May 9, 2004: Grozny, Chechnya, Russia: Chechnya president is assassinated by bomb blast at stadium during parade, killing 24 in all. Separatists blamed.
92. May 31, 2004: Khobar, Saudi Arabia: About 7 Muslim terrorists attack a foreign worker housing apartment complex, taking many hostage. Siege by Saudi police. Site raided when terrorists start killing hostages. 22 hostages are killed, 50 rescued. Dead are among 10 nationalities, including one US citizen.

94. August 24, 2004: Two Russian jetliners are blown out of the
sky by Islamic Chechnyan separatists. 90
people killed. Each plane apparently
brought down by a single female passenger with explosives.
95. August 31, 2004: Moscow, Russia: A
woman strapped with explosives detonated them in a subway, killing 10 and
wounding 50. Another one from the
Islamic movement in Chechnya
(some refer to themselves as the Islambouli Brigades).
96. August 31, 2004: Beercheba, Israel: Two busses are destroyed
when an Islamic terrorist boards each one and detonates explosives. 16 killed, 80 wounded. Hamas claimed
97. September
1, 2004: Belsan, Russia: 26 male and female islamic
Chechnyan terrorists enter a middle school and take over 1,000 women and
children hostage. Chaos erupted when
some tried to flee, terrorists shooting children and staff in the back, one or
more explosives detonated inside by the Islamic fascists, and Russian special
forces assaulted the building. 323 dead
including 156 children, making this one of the worst inhumane attacks in
history. Russians kill all 26
terrorists. Russia vows to stop being “weak” on
Islamic terrorists.
98. Week of
Sept. 6, 2004: Jakarta ,
Indonesia : 9
Indonesians killed when a car bomb is detonated outside Australian embassy.
99. Year-round 2004 and 2005: Iraq : Islamic
fundamentalists and fascists commit homicide car bombings, killing mostly Iraqi
men, women, and children, but also foreigners and United States soldiers. Many foreigners are kidnapped for ransom or
for political reasons, some are decapitated by Al Zarqawi, the leader of an
Islamic terrorist group operating in Iraq at this time.
100. October 7, 2004: Taba, Egypt (in Sinai
and Israeli border): Taba Hilton is demolished by a car bomb, killing roughly
35 and injuring over 160. Two other less
damaging car bombs go off in two villages south of Taba, also targeting
101. July 7, 2005: London, Great
Britain: A homicide bomber blows up a double decker bus and three bombs are
detonated in 3 London subway stations, killing 52 and injuring hundreds. Islamic fundamentalist fascists are to blame
and take credit.
102. July 22, 2005: Sharm El-Sheik,
Egypt: Tourist area on Red Sea….Car bombs slaughter 88 people and injure over a
hundred. Hotel and coffee shop
destroyed. At least 6 european tourists
were among the dead. Islamic
fundamentalist groups claim responsibility.
104. November 15, 2005: Islamic separatists in Thailand kill 9 and injure 9 after attacking two homes and families in a village in southern Thailand. Thailand is still dealing with a conflict between Buddhist (majority) and muslim (minority) populations.
105. April 17, 2006: Tel Aviv, Israel: A Palestinian 17-yr old terrorist blows himself up at a fast food restaurant entrance, killing 8 and wounding many others. He was a member of Islamic Jihad (Palestinian group).
106. April 24, 2006: Another bombing in the Suez in Egypt targeting tourists (mostly European and Israeli). At least 22 dead.

108. Throughout 2007: Bombings occur almost daily in Iraq, as Sunni militants, Shiite militants, and Al Qaeda Salafi Wahhabi Sunni militants commit acts of terrorism against each other and those who support them.
109. June 30, 2007: Two attempted car bombings in London fail as the explosives fail to detonate. Cars were filled with gasoline and propane and nails. A third vehicle was driven into Glasgow Airport terminal in Scotland a day later but failed to break through the concrete pylons and detonated right at the windows of the terminal. Fire engulfed the vehicle and the two terrorists actually survived and were taken into custody. The two islamic militants are said to be from SE Asia (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia). Perpetrators are all arab doctors in England.

111. December 26, 2007: Former prime minister Benazir Bhutto is assassinated in Pakistan by gun shots and suicide bomb attack. 20 others were killed. Bhutto was a candidate in the upcoming January elections and was killed by Islamic militants who oppose her relatively liberal concepts concerning women in the Islamic culture and secular government in an Islamic culture. Bhutto had stood up in the vehicle she was traveling in, leaving the protection of the bulletproof frame and windows.
112. December 27, 2007: Mauritania, jihadists murder a French family when the family pulled over to the side of the road to have a picnic. Only the father survived, but 4 others died, including 2 children. Perpetrators were described by the government as being of the group Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (sunni fundamentalist islamic militia).

ring of the attack.
114. March 11, 2008: Lahore, Pakistan: A suicide-homicide bomber drives a car packed with explosives next to a 7-story building that houses a federal police department involved in anti-terrorist activities, and detonates, killing 21 and wounding many. Building does not collapse but is gutted by explosion and fire. Another bomber walked up to an advertising agency’s small office building in a residential neighborhood and detonated, killing 3.
115. June 2, 2008: Islamabad, Pakistan: A suicide-homicide bomber detonates at the gate to the Danish embassy, killing at least 6 people, including a Danish-pakistani citizen and 2 Pakistani employees. Danes have been targets of Islamic hatred because of some cartoons published in newspapers in Denmark in recent years.
116. July 7, 2008: Kabul, Afghanistan, a car bomb driven by a homicide-suicide bomber destroys part of the Indian embassy, killing 40 and wounding others. Only 4 of the dead were Indians, the rest Afghani.
117. September 17, 2008: San’a, Yemen: Islamic militants armed with automatic weapons, RPGs, and a suicide-homocide car bomb attack the U.S. embassy in Yemen. The attack was confined to the front gate area because of good physical security. 6 attackers were killed, 6 Yemeni guards were killed, 4 civilians were killed, and many others wounded.
118. September 20, 2008: Pakistan. A homicide-suicide bomber using a dump truck detonated a large quantity of explosives outside the 5-story Marriot hotel in Islamabad. At least 53 people were killed and 250 wounded. At least one of the dead was a US citizen. The dump truck stopped 60 feet away from the hotel where two heavy metal barriers blocked entrance to vehicles. The amount of explosives however was so large that 60 feet was an inadequate buffer distance to disperse the blast wave. The subsequent fire gutted the hotel.
119. November 26, 2008: Mumbai, India. Gunmen, suspected muslim militants (e.g. “Indian Mujahideen”) attack 2 luxury hotels, a train station, a police station, a jewish community center, and a popular tourist attraction, killing approx 119 and wounding approx 288. Some gunmen were openly asking for and targeting Jewish, British and American visitors. Hostages were taken at several locations before Indian military and law enforcement brought closure to the incidents with commando assaults and negotiations.
120. February 22, 2009: Cairo, Egypt: A bomb is detonated outside a café in a famous bazaar that is frequented by tourists. One French woman is killed and 17 other French, German, and Egyptian citizens are injured. Tourists continue to be targets of Islamic fundamentalists who do not like their atheist/agnostic/Christian/Jewish influences present in their countries, and who use attacks on foreigners as a political scare tactic.
121. March 3, 2009: Lahore, Pakistan: Gunmen attack a Sri Lankan cricket team convoy, using rifles and RPGs, killing 5 policemen, two bystanders, and a bus driver. Six member of the cricket team were injured but did not die. Amazingly the attackers escaped the scene.
122. July 17, 2009: Jakarta, Indonesia: Marriot and Ritz Carlton hotels are hit by homicide bombers. The killers checked into the hotels earlier in the week where they assembled the bombs, then detonated them in the restaurants of the hotels. At least 8 killed, over 50 wounded. Most guests at hotels were foreigners. Islamic fundamentalists from the group Jemaah Islamiyah are suspected of organizing the attack. Indonesian jihadists website proclaims “mission accomplished”.
123. August 19, 2009: Baghdad, Iraq: Several car bombs are detonated near the Finance Ministry and Foreign Ministry Buildings, and by an Iraqi police and army patrol. Roughly 95 are killed and 200+ wounded. Sunni fundamentalist insurgents are suspected.
124. December 3, 2009: Mogadishu, Somalia: A suicide-homicide bomber disguised as a woman blew himself up at a college graduation ceremony at the Shamo Hotel. At least 22 confirmed dead and many wounded. Blamed on Al-Shabab, the Islamic fundamentalist group controlling much of the central and southern parts of the country under Sharia law. Three journalists were among the dead, one a Saudi and two from Somalia. The ceremony was for medical and engineering graduates of Benadir University that was established in 2002 in this war-torn country.
125. March 2010: Two suicide-homicide bombers kill 40 in the Moscow subway system.
126. January 24, 2011: A suicide-homicide bomber kills 35 and injures 180 at the Moscow international airport international arrivals hall. A 20-yr old from the Caucasus region is identified as the bomber, suspected of being recruited by the Islamic separatists in the Caucasus (i.e Chechens and other Islamic ethic groups).
127. Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi, Libya: On the anniversary of 9/11, in the evening, a large number of armed men storm the gate to the property being used as the consultate and residence for Ambassador Chris Stevens. The attackers set fire to the main building where the Ambassador, the I.T. officer Sean Smith, and one security officer were present. Sean Smith is found dead. The nearby CIA annex has a 6-man security team that travels to the consulate. They join up with a local translator and 3 friendly militiamen and engage the attacking militiamen. The fire and smoke are too intense and the CIA team leaves with surviving State Dept officers back to annex. The annex is attacked around midnight. At 1:15AM 7 reinforcements arrive from a hastily chartered private plane from Tripoli. The annex is attacked again at 5:15AM. Mortar fire kills 2 of the CIA security specialists (Mr. Woods and Mr. Doherty). The annex is rescued by Libyan military intelligence service personnel in a 50 vehicle convoy and escorted to the airport. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barak Obama are harshly criticized for downplaying the event initially by blaming the aggression on protests of an anti-Islam video made by a USA immigrant in California. The aggression was an organized attack by Islamic fundamentalist militants (Ansar Al-Sharia). The Clinton and Democrat led State Department leadership is also harshly criticized for ignoring Ambassador Stevens’ request for 13 additional security agents, allowing the Defense Dept site security contract to expire, and ignoring concerns about intel indicating that 10 islamic fundamentalist training camps were local in Benghazi. The death of the 4 at Benghazi is shameful in light of the evidence of lack of support for the local American staff, and an excellent movie is made recreating in detail the events on Sept. 11 and 12 (“13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi”).

Follow up: March 19, 2015, US drone strike kills one of the suspected masterminds of the attack, Adan Garar.
130. Dec. 29 and 30, 2013: Volgograd (Stalingrad), Russia. Chechnian or Dagestan (Caucasus region) Islamic separatists of the “Caucasus Emirate” terrorist group detonate a suicide-bomber at the main train station, killing 17, and then a suicide-bomber on a trolley bus the next day, killing 14. Many more wounded.
131. December 16, 2014: Peshawar, Pakistan: Islamist militants attack the army public school, killing 145 children and staff. All 7 terrorists were ultimately killed by Pakistan army special forces. The planner of the attack, Saddam Jan, was hunted down and killed by special forces on December 26.
133. Feb. 16, 2015: Copenhagen, Denmark. Omar El-Hussein, 22, murders a film director and jewish man, as well as injures 5 policemen, during a shooting attack at a free-speech assembly and debate and at a synagogue. The murderer was killed by police.
134. March 15, 2015: Lahore, Pakistan: Islamist militants detonate bombs (suicide-homicide bombers) immediately oustide two Christian churches, killing 14 and injuring approximately 80. Security guards stopped suspects just outside the churches but the bombers detonated anyway.
135. March 18, 2015: Tunis, Tunisia: 2 islamic militants kill 21, mostly foreigners, at the Bardo Natonal Museum near the country’s legislative building. 17 of the dead were tourists from cruise ships. Tunisian security forces killed the two gunmen. ISIS claims some responsibility.
136. April 3, 2015: Northeast Kenya: 147 men and women, mostly college students, are slaughtered by al-Shabab islamists at Garissa University. The islamists singled out Christian students and shot them on the spot. 4 gunmen were surrounded in a building and detonated explosive vests. The only 2 guards at the campus were killed at the onset.
137. May 4, 2015: Garland, Texas. Nadir Soofi and Elton Simpson, both linking themselves to ISIS, wearing body armor and carrying rifles, attempt to attack an event center where a freedom of speech assembly was occurring. An off-duty police security officer outside the building shot dead both attackers with a pistol before they could make any progress into the facility.
138. June 27, 2015: Sousse, Tunisia: A lone ismalic militant uses a Kalashnikov style rifle and grenades to kill tourists and staff at a private hotel and beach. At least 39 were killed and many others wounded before the gunman monster was killed by police. Mostly british, but also Germans, Belgians, French, and at least one Irish citizen were among the dead.
139. July 16, 2015: Chatanooga, Tennessee. Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez attacks two military sites, killing 5 U.S. servicemen. The attacker shot from his car through the frontage glass of a recruitment lease space wounding 1 but no others, then drove to the U.S. Naval and Marine Reserve Center 7 miles away and crashed through the gate and entered the building. The attacker killed a Petty Officer after being shot at, then killed 2 marines in the motorpool. He then killed 2 more marines who were helping others escape. Chatanooga police officers were then onsite and killed Mohammad.
140. October 31, 2015, Egypt: An Airbus passenger jet, Metrojet A321 from Russia, explodes in mid-air after take-off from Cairo, killing all 224 people on board. The explosion is determined to have come from explosives planted or brought on board as evidence of explosive material was found on crash site debris. Islamic fundamentalist militants claimed responsibility while in conflict with Russia in Syria as Russian forces provide assistance to the Assad regime which is at war with Islamic fundamentalists and more secular rebel groups.
141. November 14, 2015: Paris, France. In possibly the worst terrorist attack in France modern history, 8 islamic fundamentalists kill 129 people in scattered attacks in one region of the city and wound 352. 3 attackers each with suicide bomber vests detonate at 3 different locations outside Stade de France where a soccer match between France and Germany was underway. The men were not able to get into the stadium and detonated outside, but amazingly only one bystander was killed in the 3 blasts. At the Bataclan music hall, however, 3 men and 1 woman with semi-automatic rifles entered during a concert (an American heavy metal band) and killed 89 people before police could successfully enter. 3 appear to have detonated suicide vests when cornered and being shot by police while the 4th was killed by police. One of the killers was identified as Ismael Omar Mosterfai, a French citizen. An unknown number of shooters in a black Seat Leon killed 39 people at 3 separate restaurant sites from outside the cafes in apparent driveby shootings. A shooter left the vehicle and detonated his vest bomb but no one else was killed nearby. He was identified as another French citizen. The attackers appeared to have connections to people in Belgium.
142. November 20, 2015, Bamako, Mali: 2 militant islamist gunmen kill 20 at the Radisson Blu hotel in the capital city.
143. November 16, 2015, Beirut, Lebanon: 43 people are killed and hundreds injured when two suicide-homicide bombers detonate vests. A third bomber is found dead before he could detonate. The target appears to have been a Shia mosque area (i.e. Sunni-ISIS on Shiite violence). 3 lebanese-americans from Michigan were among the victims. Syrian and Palestinian sunnis are suspected of aiding in the attack and arrested.
144. December 2, 2015, San Bernardino, California: Syed Farook and his muslim immigrant wife Tashfeen Malik, living in Redlands, enter a Dept of Public Health training event and Chrismas party of approx.. 80 employees and shoot and kill 14 people and injur 22 others. Malik was born in Pakistan and immigrated lawfully into the United States. The shooters leave the building and are subsequently identified driving a rented SUV by police and are killed after a 5 minute shootout in the street. Farouk was a health inspector for the San Bernardino County.

147. January 22, 2016, Mogadishu, Somalia: Al-Shabab Islamic terrorists attack a beach-front restaurant and hotel, killing 20 and wounding 17, with their typical carb bomb to break through gate and gunfighter assault tactic, before the 6 attackers were killed by Somali security forces.
148. March 22, 2016, Brussels, Belgium: Three Islamic militants detonate bombs at Brussels Airport check-in area and a subway train station, killing 32 people. Two other muslims are arrested in connection with the attack. This same group of men was linked to the Paris attacks.
150. May 11, 2016: Baghdad, Iraq. A car bomb is used to kill at least 45 and wound at least 65 at a commercial market area in a predominantly Shiite neighborhood. The Sunni group ISIS claims responsibility. The driver of the pickup truck laded with explosives covered with fruit was seen leaving the scene.
152. June 12, 2016, Orlando, Florida: 29-yr old muslim Omar Mateen slaughters 49 people and wounds 53 others after entering the Pulse nightclub before being shot dead by police after a 3 hour standoff. Mateen swore allegiance to the Islamic devil Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
154. June 28, 2016, Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey: Two muslim terrorists enter the international airport terminal xray checkpoint and open fire with rifles. Police return fire. One attacker is mortally wounded but detonated the bomb vest he was wearing, the other shooter is killed. A third attacker detonated a bomb outside the terminal (suicide-homicide bomber). The terrorists actions kill 45 people and wound 230. Investigations reveal that the attackers were Chechnya muslims working with ISIS.

157. July 25, 2016, Ansbach, Germany: A 27-year old Syrian refugee, detonates a bomb in a backpack outside a wine bar, wounding 15 (3 gravely). He had tried to enter a concert but was kept away (no ticket). The bomber had pledged allegiance to ISIS.
158. July 26, 2016, Rouen, France: Two muslim terrorists pledging allegiance to ISIS murder an 84-year old Catholic priest (Jacques Hamel) with knives, critically wound a parishioner or nun, and temporarily hold hostages before police shoot and kill them. The Islamic terrorists filmed their execution of the priest.
160. September 17, 2016, Saint Cloud, Minnesota: Dahir Adan, a Somalian, stabs 9 people at the Crossroads Mall before being shot dead by an off duty police officer carrying a concealed handgun. An ISIS-linked news site praised Dahir as a soldier of the Islamic State.
162. November 28, 2016: Ohio State University; an 18-year old Somali immigrant who came to the USA in 2014 via Pakistan with his family with an approved green card uses car to plow into crowd on campus and gets out wielding a knife and stabbing people before being shot dead by a campus police officer who just happened to be nearby due to a reported gas leak. Abdul Artan was apparently radicalized by reading and listening to salafi wahabi Islamic propaganda and posted his anger on social media sites. 11 people were injured but fortunately no one died. Several were hospitalized for a prolonged period.
163. Dec. 11, 2016, Cairo, Egypt: A TNT bomb is detonated at the chapel adjacent to the Coptic Christian cathedral, killing 25, mostly women and children, and wounding 49.
164. Dec. 16, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey: Two bombs explode on a Saturday night outside a soccer stadium, killing 38 and wounding 155. 30 of the victims were police officers. One bomb was a suicide vest, the other a suicide car. Although Turkish officials were quick to blame Kurds (PKK), there is no evidence that this was not the work of ISIS due to the conflict in Syria and Iraq.
165. Dec. 19, 2016: Ankara, Turkey: The Russian Ambassador to Turkey is assassinated in public at an art exhibit by a lone Islamic gunman, a 22-yr old police riot officer who entered the building using his police ID, who is subsequently shot and killed by police.
167. New Year’s Eve, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey: An Islamic terrorist with a semi-automatic rifle kills a police officer and security guard and bystander outside the popular Reina nightclub and then enters going on a shooting spree. Over 500 people were in the club. 39 were killed and dozens wounded. The attacker fled after changing clothes and was on the loose at the time of this post. ISIS claimed the attacker was one of their members. Victims were from Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Canada, India, Iraq, and a French-Tunisian.
169. March 24, 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A suicide-homicide bomber detonates at a police checkpoint near the international airport. This follows two other bomber incidents the previous week where Islamic militants targeted authorities. During a subsequent raid by police on a building housing Islamic militants in Sylhet, two bomb blasts occur, killing 6 and wounding 40.
170. March 24, 2017, London, Great Britain: Khalid Masood, a muslim Britton born in the UK, plows through pedestrians on the Westminster Bridge (killing 3 and wounding many) and crashes into Parliament property perimeter railing. He rushes the gate with two knives, stabbing one policeman to death before being shot by a professional law enforcement agent, dying soon thereafter. A United States citizen is among those killed.
171. April 5, 2017: Saint Petersburg, Russia: A man from Kyrgyzstan (City of Osh), who received Russian citizenship in 2011, detonates a bomb in a subway train, killing 14 and injuring 64. Metal screws were used for the projectiles. A second bomb disguised as a fire extinguisher was diffused. The killer had grown a beard, a possible sign of Islamic fundamentalism, and had a link to the Islamic site Tawba on his social media page. The man, an Uzbeck, which is a more fundamentalist Islamic tribe than the Kyrgyz, is suspected of having been recruited by ISIS along with many other men in the region. The man (who I will not name) was brought to Russia by his father to work, but instead killed innocent people including children.
173. April 9, 2017: Tanta, Egypt, and Alexandria, Egypt: ISIS claims responsibility for two terrorist bombings in Egypt. 16 are killed and 41 wounded at Saint Marks Cathedral (Coptic Christian community) after a suicide-homicide Islamic fundamentalist detonates his vest at the security checkpoint. 27 are killed and 78 wounded at Saint George Church in Tanta when a suicide bomber detonates his vest inside the church.
175. May 22, 2017, Manchester, England (Great Britain): Salman Abedi, a muslim from Libyan father and mother who emigrated to Great Britain in 1993 before returning to Libya later, detonates a shrapnel bomb inside the ticketing area of a stadium where an Ariana Grande concert was just finishing. 22 people are killed and 119 wounded. Among the dead were teenage girls and an 8-year old girl. Law enforcement officials confirm a network was being investigated as Salman was confirmed to be communicating with a group of Islamic fundamentalists, including Islamic State (ISIS) and was only the “mule” carrying the bomb, not the bomb maker. Libyan security officers arrest his 2 brothers and father.
176. May 26, 2017, Minya, Egypt: Muslim gunmen terrorists associated with ISIS in Libya stop 2 buses of Coptic Christians heading to the Monastery of Saint Samuel the Confessor and a pickup truck of laborers, make them exit the vehicles, collect their cell phones, and execute many of them, and begin shooting at the buses and inside the buses too from the driver platform as vehicles approached in the distance before they fled. 29 people were killed.
177. June 3, 2017: London, England: 3 muslim men drive a white van across London bridge, running into and over pedestrians, then stopping van at south side, exit the vehicle, and begin attacking bar patrons with long knives. The terrorists kill 7 people and wound 48. The 3 attackers stayed together and were shot 50 times by police. The attackers were wearing fake suicide vests to assure they would die in the attack and not be captured alive. The killers yelled “this is for allah”, “this is for my family, this is for islam”, as they stabbed women, elderly, and anyone they could. Citizens were unarmed and could do nothing but run away although a few threw chairs and bottles to distract them. One officer with a baton fought an attacker, as did an off-duty Met officer and rugby player, but both were stabbed. A journalist saw 2 of the attackers stabbing the bouncer of the bar and intervened but was also injured. Among the dead were one Canadian and one person from France.
178. August 17, 2017: Barcelona, Spain: A jihadist driver uses a van to drive fast through Las Ramblas sidewalks in Barcelona, killing 14 and injuring approx. 100. The driver escaped. ISIS claims the perpetrator was one of their soldiers. Soon thereafter an explosion occurs in Alcanar destroying a house, killing 1 and injuring several. Foreigners are identified and the cause appears to have been the preparation of a bomb that went wrong. A driver in a second van tries to run a police checkpoint west of Las Ramblas and is shot and killed by police. In the evening police kill 5 in a shootout in Cambrils, SW of Barcelona. The police suspect that after the bomb making failure the rest of the terrorist cell improvised and used vehicles to commit their intended terrorist acts.
179. Aug. 18, Turku, Finland: An 18-yr old muslim asylum-seeker (refugee) from Morocco stabs 9 people, mostly women (he targeted women), in a downtown street, killing 2 and sending rest to hospital. The killer was shot in the thigh and arrested. Note that the killers in Spain were also Moroccan immigrants.
180. Oct. 1, 2017: Edmonton, Canada: Outside a Canadian football game a driver rammed through a barricade, hitting a police officer. The man attacked the police officer with a knife but then fled. The suspect was found a few hours later driving a uhaul truck which fled police and tried to hit people on sidewalks, injuring 4. The attacker was caught after the truck flipped over during the pursuit, and had an Islamic state flag in the vehicle.
181. Oct. 1, 2017, Marseille, France: In Marseille, a man using a knife killed 2 women before being shot dead by soldiers that were patrolling the train station. The man yelled allahu akbar during his attacks.
182. Oct. 31, 2017: New York City: Sayfullo Saipov, a muslim from Uzbekistan, rents a Home Depot large pickup truck and plows through pedestrians and bicyclists in lower Manhattan along a bike trail near the 9/11 memorial. He murders 8 with the vehicle and injures several more. The terrorist was shot and captured.
183. Dec. 11, 2017: New York City: Akayed Ullah, a Bengladeshi muslim living the USA through migration immigration policies (entered in 2011), detonates (intentionally or accidentally) a pipe bomb strapped to his chest, inside the Port Authority train terminal. Fortunately only 4 people are injured, and the terrorist survived.
184. Dec. 18, 2017: Quetta, Pakistan: Two muslim terrorists carrying rifles approach a church and engage in a gun battle with security. One is able to detonate an explosives vest. 9 people are killed and 60 wounded. Approximately 400 people were at the church.
185. January 6, 2018: Helwan District near Cairo, Egypt: 1 or 2 muslim gunmen attack a Coptic Christian church (Saint Mina). Initially at least one of the gunmen attacked a Christian-owned appliances store, then the church where 6 people and 1 policeman were killed before one gunman was taken down as he tried to enter the church but failed to get through the perimeter security. It was uncertain if a 2nd attacker was involved and escaped.
186. January 23, 2018: Kabul, Afghanistan: 5 Taliban fundamentalist muslim terrorists infiltrate the luxury Intercontinental Hotel and kill 22 using grenades and guns during a 14-hour affair. 11 of the dead were employees of the national airline and 6 were Ukranian.
187. January 27, 2018, Kabul, Afghanistan: A terrorist drives an ambulance loaded with explosives into a security zone with government offices and foreign embassies and detonate, killing 95 and wounding many others. The Taliban claims responsibility. The private firm security guards apparently fled like cowards.
188. March 23, 2018, Trebes, France: A muslim gunman holds up a car, shoots at police, and holds hostages in a grocery store before being killed by police. Two people were killed at the scene by the terrorist and one was killed earlier in the nearby town of Carcassonne when he committed the carjacking. The young man, a proclaimed “soldier of ISIS” shouted Alahu Akbar repeatedly.
189. April 30, 2018, Kabul and Kandahar, Afghanistan: 25 people are killed after two suicide-homicide bombers detonate at same location at the Afghan Intelligence Agency building in Kabul. A motorcycle rider detonates first, and then a pedestrian bomber detonated. Among the dead are journalists. A suicide-homicide bomber then strikes driving a truck toward NATO troops, killing 11 school children in a nearby Madrassa and injuring 8 Romanian soldiers. “Islamic State” claims responsibility.
190. May 2, 2018, Tripoli, Libya: The Election Commission office is attacked by one or two suicide-homicide bombers and several gunmen, killing 12. Citizens had been registering to vote for the upcoming elections. 4 of those killed were security personnel. The attacks are blamed on ISIS cells remaining in the country, whose fundamentalist Islamic ideology does not approve of democracy (elections).
191. May 14, 2018, Surabaya, Indonesia: Three families of muslims, including teenage boys and young daughters, use motorcycles and explosives to attack a police station and two churches within a 24 hour period. Responding to ISIS inspired Jamaah Ansharut Daulah or JAD calls for attacks, one group detonated in front of the police station, injuring 10. Another family detonated explosives at 3 churches, killing 12 and injuring 40, and all dying themselves. The third family, and mother and daughter, died when their explosive detonated from mishandling by the father, who was shot by police.
192. May 30, 2018, Liege, Belgium: A Syrian-origin muslim Belgian, recently released from prison on a temporary leave permit, kills 2 police officers with a knife and then with their own guns, then kills a nearby civilian before engaging subsequent police in a gun fight, wounding 2 before being finally gunned down. The Belgian Syrian yelled “Allahu Akbar” during the murder spree.
193. May 14, 2018, Paris, France: A Chechnya-born Frenchman named Khamzat A. runs through the streets in the Opera district with a knife, shouting Allahu Akbar and kills a 29-year old man and injures 4 others before being killed by police. He made a video pledging allegiance to ISIS.
194. Dec. 11, 2018, Strasbourg, France: Cherif Chekatt, a known Islamic fundamentalist by French authorities, shouts Allahu Akbar while opening fire at a Christmas market, killing 3 and wounding others. The terrorist fled the scene but was spotted 2 days later in the streets by French police who returned fire when shot at, killing the terrorist.
195. April 21, 2019, multiple cities, Sri Lanka: A muslim group detonates bombs with suicide-homicide bombers with backpacks at 3 churches and 3 hotels, killing 359 and injuring hundreds more.
177. June 3, 2017: London, England: 3 muslim men drive a white van across London bridge, running into and over pedestrians, then stopping van at south side, exit the vehicle, and begin attacking bar patrons with long knives. The terrorists kill 7 people and wound 48. The 3 attackers stayed together and were shot 50 times by police. The attackers were wearing fake suicide vests to assure they would die in the attack and not be captured alive. The killers yelled “this is for allah”, “this is for my family, this is for islam”, as they stabbed women, elderly, and anyone they could. Citizens were unarmed and could do nothing but run away although a few threw chairs and bottles to distract them. One officer with a baton fought an attacker, as did an off-duty Met officer and rugby player, but both were stabbed. A journalist saw 2 of the attackers stabbing the bouncer of the bar and intervened but was also injured. Among the dead were one Canadian and one person from France.
178. August 17, 2017: Barcelona, Spain: A jihadist driver uses a van to drive fast through Las Ramblas sidewalks in Barcelona, killing 14 and injuring approx. 100. The driver escaped. ISIS claims the perpetrator was one of their soldiers. Soon thereafter an explosion occurs in Alcanar destroying a house, killing 1 and injuring several. Foreigners are identified and the cause appears to have been the preparation of a bomb that went wrong. A driver in a second van tries to run a police checkpoint west of Las Ramblas and is shot and killed by police. In the evening police kill 5 in a shootout in Cambrils, SW of Barcelona. The police suspect that after the bomb making failure the rest of the terrorist cell improvised and used vehicles to commit their intended terrorist acts.
179. Aug. 18, Turku, Finland: An 18-yr old muslim asylum-seeker (refugee) from Morocco stabs 9 people, mostly women (he targeted women), in a downtown street, killing 2 and sending rest to hospital. The killer was shot in the thigh and arrested. Note that the killers in Spain were also Moroccan immigrants.
180. Oct. 1, 2017: Edmonton, Canada: Outside a Canadian football game a driver rammed through a barricade, hitting a police officer. The man attacked the police officer with a knife but then fled. The suspect was found a few hours later driving a uhaul truck which fled police and tried to hit people on sidewalks, injuring 4. The attacker was caught after the truck flipped over during the pursuit, and had an Islamic state flag in the vehicle.
181. Oct. 1, 2017, Marseille, France: In Marseille, a man using a knife killed 2 women before being shot dead by soldiers that were patrolling the train station. The man yelled allahu akbar during his attacks.
182. Oct. 31, 2017: New York City: Sayfullo Saipov, a muslim from Uzbekistan, rents a Home Depot large pickup truck and plows through pedestrians and bicyclists in lower Manhattan along a bike trail near the 9/11 memorial. He murders 8 with the vehicle and injures several more. The terrorist was shot and captured.
184. Dec. 18, 2017: Quetta, Pakistan: Two muslim terrorists carrying rifles approach a church and engage in a gun battle with security. One is able to detonate an explosives vest. 9 people are killed and 60 wounded. Approximately 400 people were at the church.
185. January 6, 2018: Helwan District near Cairo, Egypt: 1 or 2 muslim gunmen attack a Coptic Christian church (Saint Mina). Initially at least one of the gunmen attacked a Christian-owned appliances store, then the church where 6 people and 1 policeman were killed before one gunman was taken down as he tried to enter the church but failed to get through the perimeter security. It was uncertain if a 2nd attacker was involved and escaped.
186. January 23, 2018: Kabul, Afghanistan: 5 Taliban fundamentalist muslim terrorists infiltrate the luxury Intercontinental Hotel and kill 22 using grenades and guns during a 14-hour affair. 11 of the dead were employees of the national airline and 6 were Ukranian.
187. January 27, 2018, Kabul, Afghanistan: A terrorist drives an ambulance loaded with explosives into a security zone with government offices and foreign embassies and detonate, killing 95 and wounding many others. The Taliban claims responsibility. The private firm security guards apparently fled like cowards.
188. March 23, 2018, Trebes, France: A muslim gunman holds up a car, shoots at police, and holds hostages in a grocery store before being killed by police. Two people were killed at the scene by the terrorist and one was killed earlier in the nearby town of Carcassonne when he committed the carjacking. The young man, a proclaimed “soldier of ISIS” shouted Alahu Akbar repeatedly.
189. April 30, 2018, Kabul and Kandahar, Afghanistan: 25 people are killed after two suicide-homicide bombers detonate at same location at the Afghan Intelligence Agency building in Kabul. A motorcycle rider detonates first, and then a pedestrian bomber detonated. Among the dead are journalists. A suicide-homicide bomber then strikes driving a truck toward NATO troops, killing 11 school children in a nearby Madrassa and injuring 8 Romanian soldiers. “Islamic State” claims responsibility.
190. May 2, 2018, Tripoli, Libya: The Election Commission office is attacked by one or two suicide-homicide bombers and several gunmen, killing 12. Citizens had been registering to vote for the upcoming elections. 4 of those killed were security personnel. The attacks are blamed on ISIS cells remaining in the country, whose fundamentalist Islamic ideology does not approve of democracy (elections).
191. May 14, 2018, Surabaya, Indonesia: Three families of muslims, including teenage boys and young daughters, use motorcycles and explosives to attack a police station and two churches within a 24 hour period. Responding to ISIS inspired Jamaah Ansharut Daulah or JAD calls for attacks, one group detonated in front of the police station, injuring 10. Another family detonated explosives at 3 churches, killing 12 and injuring 40, and all dying themselves. The third family, and mother and daughter, died when their explosive detonated from mishandling by the father, who was shot by police.
192. May 30, 2018, Liege, Belgium: A Syrian-origin muslim Belgian, recently released from prison on a temporary leave permit, kills 2 police officers with a knife and then with their own guns, then kills a nearby civilian before engaging subsequent police in a gun fight, wounding 2 before being finally gunned down. The Belgian Syrian yelled “Allahu Akbar” during the murder spree.
193. May 14, 2018, Paris, France: A Chechnya-born Frenchman named Khamzat A. runs through the streets in the Opera district with a knife, shouting Allahu Akbar and kills a 29-year old man and injures 4 others before being killed by police. He made a video pledging allegiance to ISIS.
194. Dec. 11, 2018, Strasbourg, France: Cherif Chekatt, a known Islamic fundamentalist by French authorities, shouts Allahu Akbar while opening fire at a Christmas market, killing 3 and wounding others. The terrorist fled the scene but was spotted 2 days later in the streets by French police who returned fire when shot at, killing the terrorist.

196. December 2019, Pensacola, Florida: Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani of Sauid Arabia, training at the US Naval Air Station base, kills 3 and wounds 8 using a 9mm handgun with high capacity magazine before being shot dead by local police responding to the emergency calls. The shooter’s social media posts confirmed he was a fundamentalist muslim who expressed hatred for America.
197. Oct. 16, 2020: Paris suburb: Teacher Samuel Paty is killed and beheaded by an 18-year old muslim (Abdoulakh A.). The killer is shot 3 days later by police during an arrest attempt. The killer had received support from several muslim students, muslim family members, and a muslim cleric.
198. October 30, 2020: Nice, France: A muslim man, a Tunesian citizen who had entered France in September, walks into Notre-Dame basilica and kills 2 women and man with a long knife before being shot by a policeman when they arrived on the scene.
--John Stuart Mill
Islamic fundamentalists are fascists and have no respect for human life, not their own or those of innocent unarmed civilians. It is time to convince the world that there is no place for ancient islam. Define the enemy: not all muslims, but those of the Salafi Wahabi Sunni sect of Islam in particular.
Fascist: One who concurs with the political philosophy of fascism, which exalts community above the individual but more importantly stands for a centralized (autocratic) government headed by a dictator, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition (censorship, imprisonment). Also a form of totalitarian government (everything regulated by the government). As an example, leftists in the United States (i.e. Democrat party) commonly adhere to censoring of opposition (i.e. at college campus venues or political rallies through disruption and aggressive protest) and statist government control (excessive regulation of individual liberties and freedoms and businesses), in addition to promoting community (rights of government to punish, oppress, and tax individuals) over individual rights. The fascists in the United States are on the party of the leftists (Democrat party).
Fascist: One who concurs with the political philosophy of fascism, which exalts community above the individual but more importantly stands for a centralized (autocratic) government headed by a dictator, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition (censorship, imprisonment). Also a form of totalitarian government (everything regulated by the government). As an example, leftists in the United States (i.e. Democrat party) commonly adhere to censoring of opposition (i.e. at college campus venues or political rallies through disruption and aggressive protest) and statist government control (excessive regulation of individual liberties and freedoms and businesses), in addition to promoting community (rights of government to punish, oppress, and tax individuals) over individual rights. The fascists in the United States are on the party of the leftists (Democrat party).
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