Current count: (December 2013 through August 2019)
Notable Democrat / Leftist editorials: 60
Notable Democrat candidate promotion articles: 11
Notable Republican / Conservative editorials: 15
Notable Republican candidate promotion articles: 2
Notable Democrat / Leftist favorable cartoons (critical of the right): 12
Notable Republican / Conservative favorable cartoons (critical of the left): 25
HillCountryNews switched to a paid model (pay to read online and for paper) so i stopped tracking (not giving them a dime) at the end of 2019.
Dec. 12, 2013: Jim Hightower (D) editorial
Jan. 2, 2014: Chuck Robison (D) and Jim Hightower (D) editorials
Jan. 29, 2014: Jim Hightower (D) editorial
Feb. 13, 2014: Emily S. Greco (D) editorial
March 6, 2014: Chuck Robison (D) editorial.
Mar. 13, 2014: John Carter (R) editorial
Mar. 13, 2014: Cartoon of Obama postponing enforcement/implementation of Obamacare law without the constitutional authority to do so.
April 10, 2014: Marge Baker (D) of the leftist / democrat "People for American Way" PAC; article refers to supreme court members as "arch-conservatives" and "right-wing" instead of focusing on details of court cases and the merits of arguments.
Apr. 17, 2014: Cartoon displaying hypocrisy of wealthy democrat politicians collecting campaign contributions from the wealthy, while being critical of the wealthy having too much influence in politics.
Apr. 24, 2014: Jim Hightower (D) editorial.
Apr. 24, 2014: Cartoon mocking Pres. Obama's passive foreign policy toward Russia.
May 1, 2014: Jim Hightower (D) editorial disparaging sitting republican governor.
May 1, 2014: Cartoon differentiating between perception of a typical NRA voter and the reality.
May 8, 2014: Cartoon mocking republicans maintaining focus on economy, problems with obamacare, and Benghazi scandal as "reruns".
May 22, 2014: Cartoon presents president Obama concerned about climate change affecting future generations but ignoring flood of national debt that is a more immediate and certain concern for future generations.
June 19, 2014: Cartoon mocking Hillary Clinton's disingenuous presentation of not being wealthy, when in reality the Clinton's net worth is around $80,000,000.
June 26, 2014: State Representative Tony Dale editorial; critical of [democrat controlled] federal government and the Obama administration's weak border control enforcement (failure to enforce) and illegal immigration policies, some instigated by executive orders and not legislation.
July 3, 2014: Chuck Robison (D) editorial critical of keystone pipeline proposal, shutting off of water utility to non-paying users, fracking methods of natural gas extraction, and privatization of water utilities.
July 10, 2014: Cartoon mocking leftist outcry for an incorrectly perceived "Right to affordable birth control" while a customer buys a one month supply for $9 from a local retail pharmacy.
July 17, 2014: Chuck Robison (D) editorial mocking citizens who support true border security and prevention of illegal immigration.
Aug. 7, 2014: Cartoon implying Governor Rick Perry (R) action to secure the border with state agencies is for "votes" (although Governor Perry is not running for an election to any office). The cartoon depicts an illegal alien child as a "pinata full of votes" to the Governor.
Sept. 4, 2014: Jim Hightower (D) chastises republicans and calls them "pigheaded critters" over minimum wage policy positions.
Sept. 18, 2014: Matt Barber defends freedom of speech on issues such as discouraging the promotion of marriage by any other definition than a man and a woman, opposing abortion on demand (i.e. of healthy fetuses), and discouraging the promotion of abnormal sexual behavior.
Oct. 30, 2014: Marc Morial (D) disparaging voter ID concepts and attempts at developing voter ID laws.
Nov. 6, 2014: Cartoon mocking Hillary Clinton's gaffes and the party's attempt to "reset" her image.
Dec. 4, 2014: Roger Williams (R) congressman on leadership potential of new republican majority in Congress starting in 2015.
Feb. 12, 2015: Cartoon critical of President Obama for his proposed unfunded liability $60,000,000,000 program for free community college.
Feb. 19, 2015: Editorial by Donald Kaul (D) critical of Mitt Romney, Christians, and American foreign policy.
Apr. 16, 2015: Chuck Robison (D) syndicated column is a diatribe against Christians who are also fiscal policy and open-market capitalist conservatives and pro-life (i.e. Republicans).
Apr. 23, 2015: Texas Public Policy Foundation editorial (Republican policy think tank).
May 21, 2015: Cartoon acknowledging George Stephanopoulos is a democrat activist puppet of the Clintons posing as an ABC "reporter" or anchor, which is supposed to be an objective non-judgmental or editorializing position (at least is used to be, now there is no more objectivity).
June 11, 2015: Cartoon mocking President Obama's poor (passive) foreign policy (foreign leaders all laughing at Obama statement of "restoring US as the most respected country in the world".
June 18, 2015: Cartoon mocking President Obama for not recognizing "islamic terrorism" and instead using terms "workplace violence" and "armed insurgency".
Aug. 27, 2015: Cartoon showing drip drip drip of FBI and congressional investigations of Hillary Clinton unethical practices and State Dept decisions as rated to Benghazi scandal, and showing Mrs. Clinton using the excuse of it is all "politics" to shield herself from the scandals (metaphor using umbrella).
Nov. 12, 2015: Editorial by William Eckardt (R).
Dec. 3, 2015: Comic depicting Obama as espousing moping attitude ("Mope", not hope) due to apparent apathy towards foreign policy concerns and conflicts (spread of fundamentalist islam via ISIS; advancing Russian intervention; advancing Chinese intervention) and toward domestic policy failures (Obamacare costs).
Feb. 4: Editorial by Mike Eddleman (D) critical of republicans for speaking about the status of mental health care in this country and reminding voters that democrats control the executive departments of the federal government.
Feb. 11, 2016: Mike Eddleman editorial chastising republican voters and political leaders for supporting enforcement of federal law (i.e. no sanctuary city exclusions from law) and not permitting local municipalities to create a new power to prevent oil and gas exploration deep under city limits.
Feb. 11: Sarcastic editorial by William Eckardt criticizing President Obama for lack of leadership and instigation of poorer race relations in this country, for relationships with race baiters like Al Sharpton, for lying about Benghazi and the effects of Obamacare, and for focusing more on climate change issues than on the threats and attacks by islamic fundamentalism.
Feb. 18: Cartoon of another slow speed chase with FBI pursuing Hillary Clinton. Cartoon of Trump with humble pie in face.
March 3, 2016: Mike Eddleman (D) (and publisher of the paper) uses legal case between Texas Child Protective Services (under Texas Dept. of Family and Prot. Services) and class action litigants to criticize republican Texas citizens who speak of fighting federal judicial takeover of a state program.
March 10: Cartoon depicting Hillary Clinton with a Pinocchio nose for all the lies associated with the Benghazi affairs, the improper handling of State Dept affairs emails and classified information, and with certain affairs while serving as First Lady during the Bill Clinton presidency.
March 10: Anonymous editorial by Hill Country News staff criticizing republican opinion that supreme court justices should not be considered during presidential election years, a position supported previously by democrat leaders such as Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and exhibited in the 1987 blocking by democrats of 2 Reagan appointees,
May 19, 2016: Anonymous editorial criticizing republicans in Congress for pursuing investigations into the Benghazi deaths and Planned Parenthood marketing of baby parts, and for pursuing efforts to stop legal actions against Exxon-Mobil for company policy decisions.
May 19, 2016: Editorial by Mr. Eddleman (D) criticizing republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
May 19, 2016: Cartoon showing the democrat candidate Hillary Clinton reaching out to West Virginia voters after telling them the democrat party would put alot of coal miners and their businesses "out of business".
June 2, 2016: Editorial by Mike Eddleman (D) criticizing Texas repulibcans' concerns related to removing restrictions to restroom access by federal government decree (i.e. allowing men to enter womens restrooms under guise of being transgender). The concerns were based on the safety of young girls and women in general.
June 23, 2016: Editorial by M. Eddleman (D) promoting the normalization of homosexual "marriage", without discussing consequences as related to polygamy, insurance costs to cover new types of spouses, costs to businesses, etc.
July 7, 2016: Cartoon mocking Hillary Clinton as corrupt politician wealthy from unethical Clinton Foundation funding.
July 14, 2016: Editorial by Mike E. (D) conceptualizing "white perspective" and "white privilege" and making generalizations about "black" America (a very offensive editorial, displaying the elitist attitude of the writer and the contempt for free-thinking Americans).
7/14/16: Editorial (anonymous but obviously by Mike E.) promoting a ban on rifles ("assault rifles" but the leftists never define that term, it is supposed to mean full auto but those are already illegal).
July 21, 2016: Cartoon noting Hillary Clinton's "extremely careless" leadership for America, and one cartoon noting Donald Trump's VP pick having to clean up after him.
7/28/16: Weekly anonymous editorial (i.e. Mike E.) complaining about efforts for voter ID laws.
7/28/16: Cartoon showing Mrs. Clinton at a job interview (with the USA) and stating "but i have never been indicted" while the interviewer observes notes about all of her scandals (Whitewater, Filegate, Chinagate, Benghazi, Cattle Futures, Email Server).
8/04/16: Cartoon showing Hillary Clinton podium roped off by FBI (i.e. FBI staff protecting her from prosecution for violating US statute associated with classified information protection).
8/04/16: Editorial by Mr. Eddleman (D) celebrating and encouraging the election of Mrs. Clinton because the candidate is a woman (regardless of all the unredeaming qualities of her character and policy positions, or lack thereof).
9/01/16: Cartoon showing HIllary Clinton currency for the Clinton Foundation, mocking her corruption associated with the Clinton Foundation and access to her for high dollar donors while she served as Secretary of the US State Department.
10/13/16: Editorial by Mr. Eddleman (D) making harsh criticisms of Mr. Trump based on flippant comments of negative perceptions.
Dec. 8, 2016: Cartoon showing Mr. Trump in blue-collar uniform notifying Mr. Obama that he fixed his Carrier air-conditioning, while Mr. Obama is putting golf balls in his office, absent-minded leader that he has been.
Dec. 8, 2016: Editorial by Mr. Eddleman chastising the Lt. Gov. for property tax reduction efforts in the legislature.
Dec. 15: Editorial by Mr. Eddleman (D), chastising Mr. Trump for insensitive comments (but the characterizations are grossly over dramatized by Mr. Eddleman).
Dec. 22: Cartoon mocking Bill Clinton for suggesting Obamacare, although a financially unsustainable sinking ship, provides coverage for more people.
Dec. 22: Cartoon exhibiting false promises of Mr. Obama as "fake news".
Feb. 2, 2017: Cartoon mocking White House Press Secretary for comments about inauguration crowd sizes.
June 15, 2017: Paper profiles (promotes) democrat candidate Christine Mann for US Congress House seat.
June 22, 2017: Paper profiles (promotes) democrat candidate Mike Collier for Lt. Governor.
June 22, 2017: Cartoon informing reader of Vice President Pence hiring an attorney, but illustrated as at least 1 job created.
June 29, 2017: Editors promote/profile Democrat candidates vying for primary nomination for US House of Representatives seat.
July 6, 2017: Editorial chastising Governor Abbott for vetoing a rather innocuous bill concerning attorneys being able to collect fees for pursuing information from government entities using freedom-of-information act requests, and other bills associated with forcing government entities to broadcast information for public view without request.
July 6: Front page profile or promotion of Democrat candidate Mary Hegar for US Congress.
July 27, 2017: Democrat candidate Eady Mann is again profiled positively in front page story.
July 27, 2017: Democrat candidate Mary Hegar is again profiled and promoted.
Aug. 3, 2017: Guest columnist Glen Mollette writes a piece explaining why President Trump should not resign and should continue his policy initiatives.
Oct. 12, 2017: Paper profiles Cynthia Long (R).
March 8, 2018: Jim Hightower (D) editorial maligning food box proposal in USDA food stamp program.
May 17, 2018: Graham West (D) editorial chastising the decision by President Trump to no longer certify the continuation of the recent agreement with Iran. The editorial is completely one sided, ignoring any reference to arguments in support of removing the USA from the agreement.
May 17, 2018: Chuck Robison (D) editorial insulting the President of the United States without engaging in any intelligent policy discussion.
July 26, 2018: Editorical by Democrat Peter Funt chastising President Donald Trump's disparagement of biased media coverage and criticizing an RNC email survey for the types of questions it posed. Mr. Funt neglects to show or critique similar examples of DNC surveys and ignores examples of leftist media coverage and leftist "fake news" stories, countless examples of which are recorded at The Federalist website.
8/23/18: Column by Michael Reagan defending President Trump's decisions to remove security clearances from former federal employees.
8/30/18: Editorial by Peter Funt (D) critical of President Trump and his legal team.
9/06/18: Beto O'Rourke (D) visit to Cedar Park is promoted on the front page above the fold.
9/20/18: Editorial by Yolanda Parker (D) criticizing President Trump's supreme court judge nomination.
9/27/18: Cartoon indicating Trump-supported trade tariffs will require consumers to pay for the impact; (but conveniently ignores the impact on the foreign nation that will likely suffer much greater consequences, hence gaining a better negotiating position in new trade talks.)
9/27/18: Editorial by Will Durst (D) criticizing President Trump.
10/04/18: Editorial by Christine Flowers criticizing the treatment of Judge Kavanaugh.
10/11/18: Editorial by Eric Zorn (D) criticizing Judge Kavanugh.
10/11/18: Editorial by Steve Palumbi and Mary Roberts (D) promoting parents to vote leftist like their kids (for Beto O'Rourke and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez).
10/18/18: Paper-authored editorial criticizing budget cut requests by President Trump for NIH funding.
10/18/18: David Winston editorial promoting positive economic impact of Republican (and Trump) economic policies.
10/25/18: Editorial by Michael Reagan (R) warning voters not to go down the path of leftist Democrat California.
11/01/18: Editorial by Joe Guzzardi critical of our weak asylum claim system allowing illegal aliens to enter the country and disappear into the population (related to oncoming caravan of foreign nationals).
11/15/18: Editorial by Erwin Chemerinsky (D) critical of President Trump and Jeff Sessions.
1/17/19: Cartoon mocking Trump administration considering FEMA funds for border barrier instead of Puerto Rico and States.
1/17/19: Editorial by John Micek (D) critical of President Trump border policy.
1/31/19: Editorial by Adam Green (D) making negative comments about Republicans and positive comments about Democrats.
2/21/19: Editorial by Scott Martelle (Democrat) critical of US Supreme Court even hearing challenge to lower court ruling denying the federal government the ability to ask on the 10-year census if a respondent or household members are citizens or not. Mr. Martelle wants illegal aliens to be counted, even though it negatively impacts tax dollar allocations from citizens to non-citizens.
2/28/19: Editorial by Will Durst (D) chastising the President of the USA over policy to improve border control fencing.
2/28/19: Editorial by Rekha Basu (D), critical of the current president's administration for characterizing the crisis at the border as a crisis.
3/07/19: Paper's internal editorial commending President Trump for his handling of the most recent negotiations with North Korea. Although not an opinion piece on political ideology, it was classified as supportive of a Republican politician.
4/18/19: Reprinting of a Los Angeles Times editorial chastising Texas republican healthcare policy efforts to protect pre-existing conditions customers (essentially stating it is not enough) (The Protect Act).
4/25/19: Editorial by Jonah Goldberg mocking the informal proposal by President Trump to transport processed illegal aliens to sanctuary cities.
5/09/19: Editorial by Dick Polman (D) mocking republicans who support additional research/study and caution concerning negative impacts of certain immunizations, calling them "anti-science" (but ignorantly forgetting what the definition of science is......knowledge gained by systematic study).
5/30/19: Editorial by leftist Ann McFeatters (D) describing efforts to duly impeach President Trump.
6/13/19: Editorial by Vicky Hausman (D) bemoaning gerrymandering efforts by Republicans but ignoring gerrymandering efforts by Democrats in states such as Maryland.
6/20/19: Editorial by paper staff bemoaning attempts to ask if a resident is a US Citizen or not in the 10-year Census, which is perfectly reasonable information for the government to know.
6/20/19: Editorial by Chuck Robison (D) defending the legality of killing babies in the womb.
6/27/19: Profile of Democrat candidate Christine Mann.
7/11/19: Profile of Democrat John Bucy.
7/25/19: Editorial by Trudy Rubin (D) bemoaning President Trump for criticizing "the press", ignoring the basis or rationale for justified criticism or presuming "the press" should be free from criticism even when engaged in biased reporting, political hit piece interviews, false reporting (fake news comprised of incomplete information or made up information or assumptions not stated as assumptions or without validation of sources, etc).
8/01/19: Cartoon making fun of Bernie Sanders for not paying his staff at least $15 per hour, even though he continuously pushes for a federal minimum wage of $15 per hour.
8/08/19: Editorial by unnamed Houston Chronicle staff chastising Governor Abbott concerning lack of new gun control state legislation and bemoaning social isolation, mental illness, and white supremacist movement "fan the flames of hate" and influencing "young white men who kill", bemoaning 3 mass shootings in 2 years, but completely ignoring the 279 murders in Houston alone in 2018, 1693 across Texas in 2017, perpetrated by all manner of men and women of various ethnicity (black, latino, white, asian). The bias reporting exhibits a racial undertone by singling out one shooter in El Paso who was white, but ignores the larger problem of murders in Texas.
8/15/19: Cartoon mocking some of the cultural reasons gun violence is more common (mental illness; excessive violence in video games and movies permeating the culture, etc), even though such reasons are valid.
8/29/19: Article discussing Mike Guevara running for Texas House seat.
9/05/19: Cartoon showing NRA president and the President of the USA ignoring mass shooting gun violence problem.
9/12/19: Disgusting article claiming there is anti-latino racism problem in Texas.
9/12/19: Democrat crank Ross Ramsey bemoans Texas republican politicians for various things such as efforts at improving gun control laws and in-fighting among House members.
10/24/19: Democrat Ross Ramsey again allowed to complain in an editorial about Republican House member infighting.
11/21/19: Democrat Dick Polman editorial concerning the alleged "whistleblower" in the US House impeachment inquiry hearings.
12/05/19: Cartoon mocking voters who cast vote for Trump in 2016.
12/12/19: Cartoon antagonizing those who perceive the climate change policy movement as a hoax to justify taking more money from taxpayers.
12/19, 2019: Editorial promoting MJ Hegar (Democrat) for the US House representative seat.
1/23/20: Editorial by Michael Reagan (R) discussing the ridiculous impeachment attempt over a phone call related to our relationship with the Ukraine and our taxpayer dollars (aide package).
1/30/20: Article promoting Democrat candidates forum.
1/30/20: Editorial by Dick Polman (Democrat) encouraging impeachment of President Trump over expressions made associated with our relationship with the Ukraine.
3/12/20: Article discussing local Democrat politicians "flexing muscles" in primary.