Sunday, August 5, 2012

Democrat Stimulus Failures: Green Energy

In 2009-2012, the democrat administration has subsidized at least 10 "green" companies that have wasted taxpayer dollars and declared bankruptcy, guaranteeing a net loss (arguably theft) of taxpayer funds.  Solar panel maker Solyndra was the infamous company that received $535,000,000 in loan guarantee funds before filing for bankruptcy in August 2011.  Here are some other failures the democrat controlled media does not discuss:

  • Raser Technologies of Utah (geothermal).  $33,000,000 taxpayer funds received, declared bankruptcy in April 2011.
  • Abound Solar, panel manufacturer, took $70,000,000 of its loan guarantees from the DOE before filing for Chapter 7 in July 2012.
  • Energy Conservation Devices, received $13,300,000 in taxpayer funds before filing bankruptcy in February 2012.
  • Solar Trust, financials uncertain but declared bankruptcy in April 2012.
  • Enerl (electric car batteries), received $118,500,000 in taxpayer grant money from the DOE (stimulus) in 2009 and filed for bankruptcy in January 2012.
Nationally syndicated columnist Deroy Murdock quipped: "President Obama should beg taxpayers' forgiveness for pouring their hard-earned cash down at least 10 green rat holes."  He points out these 10 failures and calculated a loss of $3,400,000,000 in taxpayer dollars and commitments combined.  This is yet another example of government interference proving again it does not work as efficiently and effectively as a free market environment.  $3.4 billion in reduced regulatory costs and reduced taxes (instead of this reckless spending and debt accumulation for our younger generation) could instead have achieved benefits in the private sector (i.e. growth and jobs).

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Nigeria: Another location where violence instigated on behalf of Islam

The Economist in its July 14, 2012 issue had an informative article on the current situation in Nigeria.  Here is an excerpt:

"Increasingly deadly attacks on churches by Boko Haram [...] Islamist group, are straining fragile relations between Christians and Muslims.  Attacking churches is not new for Boko Haram but it has turned its attention to targets in Nigeria's 'middle belt' where the two populations mix, often stoking ferocious retaliation.  Christian leaders have been warning that the patience of their flocks 'will wear out'."

Although sectarian violence has been going on for a long time, the current muslim-based "insurgency" started in 2009.  Suicide-homicide bombings, sniper shootings, brazen assassination shootings, kidnappings, are all activities of the Boko Haram.  The national government makes some attempt to address the situation (i.e. the president, who is Christian, hired a muslim to be his national security advisor) but has not succeeded in preventing the activist muslim group from carving out a muslim state for itself, particularly in the NE area of the country, although the entire northern half of the country is predominantly muslim (see map).  Sharia law has been implemented in 9 of the northern states (Sharia law is still alien to Americans who have not had to live under its rules, influence, punishments, and laws).  Although social issues other than religion play a role as usual in political conflicts (standard of living concerns, ethinic and tribal issues, legal issues, poor law enforcement, corruption), religion and their respective cultural differences are becoming the primary influences promoted in the conflict.  International joint Christian-Muslim committees/delegations are trying to address the issue, so we can only wait and see if peaceful coexistance is possible without separation (i.e. Sudan).